Crackdown 3 release date, trailers and news

Announced for the first time at E3 in 2014, Crackdown 3 has already been on the cutting edge of vaporware, which often has not been updated for months. The title has suffered multiple delays, the loss of prominent team members and rumors of cancellation, which has led to a general lack of rumors about the title.

The main feature of everything else in Crackdown 3 is the destruction, although this was not the case. He is present at the E3 2017 presentation, which focused more on the game's single offline player mode.

While online, everything in the city of Crackdown 3 can be destroyed, using a cloud-based physics calculations system. Throw enough rockets at a building and it will fall, crushing buildings, vehicles and hapless players on its way.

Although we took a look at some destructive games during E3 2018, the reaction of the fans was pretty lackluster. .

Despite these problems, before its scheduled release later this year, we gather all the news, rumors and information about the game in one place. Gear Up Agent, this is all you need to know about the next great Microsoft exclusive.

Cut to the race

  • What is it? The elusive sequel to one of the best Xbox 360 exclusives
  • When is it out? February 2019
  • On what platforms will it be? Xbox One, Xbox One X and PC

Crackdown 3 trailers and images

Although the delay of the game in 2019 had been confirmed before E3 2018, Microsoft could still display a new trailer during its showcase, which you can see below:

At E3 2017, we had the opportunity to see a new trailer of the game with Terry Crews.

If you want a more historical view, this is what the destruction technology that sustains Crackdown 3 looked three years ago:

Impressive, but a little sterile.

Now, this is what it looks like with a good cover of Crackdown 3:

IGN was able to capture more than 15 minutes of gameplay in action, which gives us the best appearance of the state of the game two years ago:

Finally, this is the last release of Crackdown 3 Release, the team showed what happened if they deployed hundreds of explosive barrels and started firing them without considering their console's processor:

Release date of Crackdown 3 [19659011] It was announced in August 2018, just a few months before the release of the game in November, Crackdown 3 would be delayed until early spring of 2018. Now, however, it has become another delay and we now know that Crackdown 3 it will not be launched until February 2019.

Crackdown 3 manual impressions

We had the opportunity to test the single player mode of the game for us at E3 2017, where we were able to walk freely through a small portion of the city.

In our demonstration, we were left to our own devices without any urgent mission objective to get in the way. Naturally, this means that we focus our attention on the collection of agility orbs, which are collectibles that, as the name suggests, make your character more agile.

The combination of a strong double jump and a board move meant that we could climb a large building with relative ease. The disadvantage of this is that the game can feel very floaty, with the lack of weight of our character very evident.

Weapons have an indulgent amount of lock-on for them, and foreground weapons feel especially satisfying to use.

Beyond this, we did not discover much about the game that was not known before. For all intents and purposes, this is a game of sensation very similar to the games of Crackdown that have come before, although with a map that has more than double the size.

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Crackdown 3 confirmed features

In addition to showing the game's technology, Microsoft and the game's developers have kept their lips sealed on the bigger story and the gameplay of Crackdown 3. There are some things that we are somewhat sure, however.

100% destructible environments (multiplayer)

The main feature of Crackdown 3 is its destruction. There is a scale and detail in its demolition like nothing we have seen before in a game. You can start small, by shooting a hole in a wall to create a sniper point, or you can sculpt the bottom floor of a tower and see how the thing falls in real time, raining down debris in the city below.

While some of the rendering work is done on your machine, the destruction has been possible thanks to cloud-based computing, with most of the calculation work being downloaded to other machines. This solution apparently increases the processing power of Xbox One by more than 20 times.

Unfortunately, this level of destruction is only available in the multiplayer modes of the game. In the campaign, even if you play in cooperative mode, you will only have access to a limited level of destruction to avoid having to keep the console constantly connected to the Internet.

Meanwhile, the Crackdown 3 multiplayer definitely sounds ambitious, it has not been screened to date.

A city that responds to your actions

Although the city of a single player can not be destroyed, Sumo Digital tried hard to emphasize that it will still have a big impact on the city.

Destroy the enemy outposts and you will find that others are reinforced, which makes them more difficult to face.

This essentially means that, although you will be able to approach your objectives in any order, the difficulty will be extended by the amount you have canceled.

crackdown 3 release date trailers and news

A completely non-linear campaign

Since the beginning of the game, you are free to explore the whole city and go wherever you want. Not only are you not restricted in a physical sense, but in terms of the game's history, you are also free to proceed as you wish.

While the developers said that eventually there will be a boss to shoot down, they did not quite describe who it is.

What they did say was that you are free to find your way to them as you wish, although the route you take will involve a lot of explosions.

Attacking enemies throughout the city will provoke the wrath of several heads of the criminal empire, who will then be forced to reveal themselves as they send their troops behind you.

We like the look of this opening, but we're worried that it might make the game repetitive. Fortunately, there seem to be many different ways to create problems in the city, such as attacking monorail stations or rescuing prisoners.

crackdown 3 release date trailers and news

Cooperative campaign

Since the first Crackdown the series has been compatible with the cooperative in the main campaign, this feature returns in Crackdown 3. As with Crackdown 2, you can play with four players.

To enter a cooperative, up to three players enter the host city. Ultimately, this means that any progress made will only apply to one player, although if you continue playing as the same group, this will not matter as long as the same person acts as host each time.

Agility orbs are back

Agility orbs, a trademark of Crackdown, are making a comeback. These shiny balls, hidden around the city of the game are, depending on who you talk to, the best or the worst of Crackdown. Each sphere you collect increases your character's abilities, but there are hundreds of them, many of them hidden in hard-to-reach places. If you ask us, Crackdown has a lot to answer with the current state of the "collect-athons" in the games.

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Crackdown 3 rumors and news

The rumors surrounding Crackdown 3 have not been so much about what will be in the game, but what state the game developed.

There may be a delay

Just before E3 2018 begins, rumors have emerged that Crackdown 3 could be delayed once again, this time pushed to a 2019 launch window instead of Spring 2018. These rumors have not yet been officially confirmed and we are updating as soon as we hear more.

Definitely coming

Xbox boss Phil Spencer has spoken. On Twitter, Spencer confirmed that there is a fixed date for the game and that there is a plan underway with more details soon.

Crude development

While supposedly Crackdown 3 is on the way, according to industry insider shinobi602 someone who has leaks has often been right, stated early on this year that "development was hard". He added that "there are still problems but nothing like Scalebound". Microsoft sold Scalebound earlier this year.

Crackdown 3 wish list

There is still a lot about Crackdown 3 that we do not know, but our hopes for the game are that it will cover the gaps left in the first two games.

Flying vehicles

The cities of Crackdown have always begged to be seen from the air. While your character could eventually jump great distances, they could not fly to the skies indefinitely. We would love to see a jet join your agency car, finally giving you the tools to explore the city how it should be seen.

Imagine it crashing through a totally destructible skyscraper!

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A final boss you can kill at the beginning of the game

Stay with us, this is not as strange as it seems. Then, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild shook the genre of the open world in many ways, but one of the best was the structure of the game. Instead of gradually unlocking bits of the world, everything was given to you immediately, including the possibility of marching directly to Hyrule's center and the final boss of the game, Calamity Gannon.

A great idea. Except, Realtime Worlds wanted to do this 15 years ago with the original Crackdown.

Speaking with Kotaku UK, Billy Thomson of Ruffian Games, who worked on Crackdown and Crackdown 2, said that "Dave [Jones] really likes the games they have has absolutely no structure, completely free. […] Until the point that the guy who was supposed to be the last pivot could be killed from the start. "

At that time, that design spirit created a lot of problems, so the team did not embrace Jones completely unstructured approach . Crackdown 3 promises to allow you to focus your campaign in the order you want, but will it go far enough?

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