Best Buy now sells a $200 per year tech support subscription

Best Buy launched a $ 200 per year subscription version of its Geek Squad service called Total Tech Support, which – despite the name – is not total, and probably also a questionable value for technical support.

The service offers subscribers technical support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by phone or online, for most technology products in the home (even if they were not purchased at Best Buy) . Subscribers will also be able to enter the Best Buy stores to receive help with basic technical support, such as transferring data between computers, eliminating a virus and something called "Level 1 Data Recovery", which is where this also starts to sound like a Scam. of Scientology. What is level 2 data recovery? I'm not entirely sure. But I know you have to pay for it.

It turns out that, despite paying $ 200 per year, you still have to pay for many Geek Squad services as a member of Total Tech Support. Anything that requires someone to come to your home will cost at least $ 50. If you need a set of installed and installed devices over the course of a year, maybe you simply moved to a new home, then this might make sense; It's a big discount on what Best Buy usually charges. But if you're not going to need multiple visits in a single year, you're probably wasting your money.

Also, the $ 50 fee does not cover everything. The wiring of your home theater system, the repairs of electronic products and the most advanced installations (such as mounting a television in any place other than drywall) will cost even more; members only get a 20 percent discount on what Best Buy usually charges for those services.

Usually, you are paying $ 200 for technical support. But given the terrible reputation of Geek Squad, it is questionable whether it is worth it. The service is known for often lacking experience and trying to sell customers new products and services when they are repaired. It seems that you will end up paying Best Buy every year for the opportunity of the company selling you more things.

The service is launched across the US UU Today after several months of tests. Presumably, Best Buy's trial execution discovered there was a market for the service. And I totally understand that; It is an absolute hassle when the basic functions of your gadgets do not work. Some of the things that Best Buy can help with (such as programming a universal remote control) can really be difficult to do on your own. But unless you try this as a way to get cheaper home installation services, it's hard to imagine it's worth spending your money talking on the phone and asking for help with products that the customer service representative probably does not have experience. 19659008]

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