Top 20 Best Free Bootstrap Blog Templates Coded Using HTML5 and CSS3 – 2018 – Colorlib

A blog is still a website, with its own set of elements and features that create the type of web design with which we are most satisfied. The last decade on the web has shown that blogs are a sustainable method to express themselves, as well as to consume content in different ways. Starting with your own blog has also become a pleasant experience, a good domain name and a reliable hosting company is all we need to have our own blogging company based on WordPress running, or we can turn to alternatives like Blogger , Tumblr, among others.

Whether it is a creative attraction to attract new customers, or a company that realizes the essential importance of a blog as a means to generate more potential customers, blogs have something to offer to all types of users ; even those who have never written an intentional paragraph before. Just as a portfolio website works, we can use our blogs to publicize our talents, express our ideas and connect with an audience that goes far beyond the horizon of our expectations.

Building your own blog site from scratch will initially require a bit of effort, especially in the design department. Choosing the right template for your blog site can be a tedious process, and only because there are many options to choose from. Colors, font options and alternations, navigation menu locations, social network integration, among other things, are the features you'll want to pay attention to, while it's easy to build a personal blog style that reflects versatile thinking, we also want to make sure that our readers are happy with our choices, although it is important to leave a personality imprint on each design.

The following free blog templates from Bootstrap that we are about to explore have been carefully selected with the latest web design in view, as well as to provide a simple template system where you can easily create and modify any type of elements such as Once you feel that you are obsolete to your vision of an attractive blog. Whether to launch an independent blog site, or to incorporate any of the following templates into their existing websites, these designs will provide an easy-to-consume content experience that you will realize is so important to a successful blog path. [19659002]

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Shapely (WordPress)

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Avision Free Template

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Balita [19659013] Balita Free Template ” width=”1200″ height=”946″ srcset=” 1200w,×237.jpg 300w,×605.jpg 768w,×807.jpg 1024w” sizes=”(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px”/>

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Free stuff template

Minimalist and clean blog templates are among the favorites among the new and advanced bloggers. They provide an easy way to leave the focus strictly on the content that is published, and Stuff takes care of this task very well. It is ideal for commercial, personal and other projects that wish to focus solely on the words mentioned, instead of the five million gadgets that appear everywhere. The template is pre-built with a blog home page, a page to talk about you, a content sample publication, as well as a page to establish a contacting function.

Responds completely, which means that all devices will love working on this template, and the touch of modern design with a touch of color adds to the pleasant overall browsing experience. Use the LESS preprocessor to facilitate the development workflow.

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free mobile website template philosophy

The philosophy template is a great example of how flexible Bootstrap can be when it comes to building modern websites (or blogs) using the FLAT design principle. This professional template will be adapted to bloggers and writers who are looking for a strong "professional" touch for their blogging experience. The design options include a lot of elegant fonts and widgets concepts, all of which can be quickly erased and become what you think is necessary for your own blogging experience. You can use an open footer area to promote your own information about, insert gadgets from social networks or simply advertise your other content, also combining them all if necessary. More information / Download


Free Wordl template

World is another spectacular work of art (something we do not see so often, especially in the Bootstrap templates category). The publication pages have a feature image slot, a strict area for content (play with the font and font sizes to improve the experience), as well as a comment box that is visible right after the content ends . The only thing that is really missing in this template is a kind of social exchange option, since we believe that it would be the perfect option for such a solid choice of colors and sources. More information / Download


Free original template

Original is the first Bootstrap template in our list that uses full grid template patterns. This is what other web designers might call the "Pinterest effect": such style choices have grown in popularity since the inception of the popular social media site for sharing images. Original uses a very light selection of colors and background colors that focuses on offering readers a pleasant and relaxed reading experience while maintaining the touch of professionalism in case the template needs to be used for commercial purposes. Beautiful navigation bar that can be used to display your logo, your social networking icons, as well as the menu items of your choice. More information / download


droppler free and mobile website template

Are you a fashion blogger? Maybe looking for a design that reflects the feminine side of his writing. Droppler is a great option for bloggers who want to highlight the sensitivity of their writings, since Droppler's color scheme is perfect for expressing details and paying attention to the subject matter. It has a beautiful slider that will allow you to display your most current content, while the widgets in the sidebar offer a way to collect email addresses for your list, as well as display your latest posts on social networks on Twitter. Make the most of the latest features in CSS3 and HTML5; according to the Bootstraps framework. More information / Download



Juli incorporates clean and flat design elements that work very well for personal blogs, as well as blogs for restaurants, food bloggers, writers of travel and other similar fields of interest, the code base is friendly for beginners, which means you have changes in the design will be elementary. The luxurious design is designed to maintain the simplicity factor, and the minimal grid system makes it a pleasure for the reader's eyes.

Works well with all modern browsers, and devices: full response capability integration. It includes an integrated slider that can be used to display a prominent image at the top of your blog, as well as a more compact slider in the footer to show more content.

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Sasha's blog template presents a more sophisticated and creative way to express the design of your blog. The lists of publications offer a traditional template of Title, Image and Content, while the main change within this design, apart from others, is the use of background patterns to enrich the general reading and blogging experience. The publications are also amplified with a beautiful widget related publications that will help you get more views of your other content, while the strong menu at the top will ensure that your readers can always get more information about you and your content. More information / Download

Blanca's free template

Blanca presents an impressive header design that can be used to express her true intention behind her blog and / or writing. The floral choice of colors will be a natural attraction for anyone who stumbles on their writing. The style of this template presents an interconnected option of elements that complement each other in the broadest image of things. The super-integrated comment widget on each publication page will ensure that anyone who reads your blog posts is willing to leave a comment. Definitely take a second look at the general flow of publication pages, as there may be necessary adjustments according to your own requirements. (Not everyone likes deep options of combinations of fonts and colors) More information / Download

Free template article

Personal blogs have always dealt with content that publishes and the public with which it interacts, so, in that sense, personal blog templates have never been messy or focused on sophisticated gadgets; instead, the focus remains on easily accessible content, as well as a simple commenting system that can enrich the entire blogging experience for both parties. It's one of those templates that puts everything in perspective: a simple blog index page that shows the latest content and an easy-to-see template that focuses on the written content, while highlighting a comment box at the bottom of each page. The sidebar consists of traditional recent posts and comments, as well as file and category widgets; An image of the logo can be used inside the top navigation bar. More information / Download

Free blogger blog website template

Every day that passes, a number of new designs are introduced within the plethora of web sites to share templates that we found Daily, and technology-oriented templates are some of the most sought-after, but
why pay for a premium design when we can enjoy something as beautiful as the Blogger template that has been created specifically to reflect website-oriented features? to technology?

the template on the homepage will naturally capture readers' attention and interest in their other content, while the content pages will focus on a professional approach to reporting news, sharing stories and even telling stories; The publication pages also present an interesting related content widget for all your content promotion needs.

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Yummy is a free and really delicious bootstrap blog template that will make you look like a professional blogger from the first moment. Even if you are new to the world of blogs and do not have much capital to invest, choose a free premium-looking template like Yummy. Originally to create a food blog, but you can feel free to use it for any other niche blog you want. It is a light, fresh and clean template based on Bootstrap that will be instantly readjusted to any screen size. Mobile users will especially enjoy browsing their wonderful content from their smartphones and tablets.

With the unique look and a fantastic full-width slider, feeding all the hungry eyes will be easy. Along with the awesome slider, Yummy also comes with social networking icons and a beautiful Instagram feed slider. Both the main slider and the Instagram are in the same style, which is very attractive to the eye. There are a lot of singularities that you will find in the Yummy template that will correlate perfectly with your content. Food, lifestyle, fashion and many other niche bloggers can find Yummy as an ideal site for their websites. It will make them easily recognizable, in addition, will convert unique visitors into regular visitors.

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In general, blogs seem quite similar compared to each other. Rarely, any blogger uses something completely different with respect to the design of their website. If you want to go against the grain, the blog template Suppablog Bootstrap is the ideal tool for you. What you will notice immediately is the minimalist approach you have to your appearance. Half is a large image and the other half is dedicated to blog posts. I bet it's something you rarely see bloggers use for their pages. Surely it is not a daily practice. Clean and simple

Another very unique feature of the free blog template, Suppablog, is the one-of-a-kind hover effect. When you place the mouse cursor over the desired content, delete all the rest and highlight only the one you are interested in reading. A little great, do not you think? On the right side, Suppablog has social icons with access to the menu outside the canvas. Writers and bloggers, you just found an original template that will make you stand out from the crowd easily. Make a great impression on everyone who comes to your page. With minimalism and creativity, you can have them insured for life. All you need to do is add your attractive content and success is ahead.

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Bona is an elegant and contemporary free HTML blog template that you can use for all types of blogs. Whether it's food, lifestyle, travel, business, fashion, finance, whatever, Bona handles everything with ease. It comes with a group of pages and blog designs that you will find great benefit. With a small full-width header image happening after the menu and the search box, the next thing that appears is the blog post you so much want. Bona supports the Load more, social network icons feature and has a job subscription box in the footer section.

You can publish posts with small or large highlighted images or no images at all. Mix all three and make your blog seem more dynamic. Sometimes, all you need is an attractive title that will make readers click. While, on the other hand, a combination of image, text and extract will do the trick. For your fans exclusively, you can try what works best thanks to the Bona template. Bona also lets you show how many "hearts", comments and views each blog post generates. If there is a ton of views that a specific publication has, it is very likely that even more users will click on it. The numbers do play with our conscience.

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Innovation and art are part of Katt's free Bootstrap template. It is a blog and a portfolio tool mixed in a product that feels more like a project showcase. What you will notice is that Katt has an exceptional web design that does not give an impression. It is a blog after all. However, the blog is cleverly hidden in the web design that will make the navigation on your page unforgettable. You can click on the texts while the images do not.

But before the user even reaches the articles, an adorable slider invites them to his world. Use it to promote your latest publications and make them shine with the brightest light. The features of the Katt template load more articles, back button up and social networks. It also has a special section in the header and footer for your logo. If you're looking for a free, framed and creative Bootstrap blog template, Katt could be the one. Great article for designers, bloggers, artists and everyone else who wants to express and promote their individuality.

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