Facebook is teaming up with Qualcomm to work on high-speed wireless internet

Facebook has enlisted Qualcomm to provide the technology for its Wi-Fi gigabit project that aims to make sending data through routers more efficient and increase Internet speeds. It's called the Terragraph Project and has been working since Facebook first announced it at the company's annual developer conference in 2016, and described the project as a multi-node wireless system focused on providing high-speed internet connectivity to dense urban areas. . [19659002] The new Qualcomm chipsets will be integrated with Terragraph technology, so that manufacturers can upgrade the routers to send data at the 60GHz frequency, which will increase broadband connections at higher speeds.

A Qualcomm spokesperson described it as a solution for rural areas and urban areas that simply have irregular Wi-Fi in certain regions. The field tests will begin in the middle of next year, but it is not known when the Terragraph project will be launched. We have communicated with Facebook to get more information.

Qualcomm is also manufacturing a 5G small cell chip set for phone manufacturers and operators, which the company also announced today. Qualcomm is already working with "early access" partners. It is not known exactly who these companies will be, but given the previous associations, it is likely that Nokia and Samsung are among them. Samples of chipsets will be available next year, which means that the product version will be more advanced than that.

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