23 Free Contact Forms You Can Make Use Of For Next Project

Are you bored with the same square contact form designs and are you looking for a creative contact form? Well, now you are in the correct publication. In this list, we have compiled some of the best free contact forms. You can use these free contact forms directly in your next web development project or you can use them as inspiration and you can develop your own customized form. All of these forms use the latest HTML5 and CSS3 framework, so working with these form templates will be an easy job.

All forms are in full working condition from the beginning. Even the majority of the template supports field validation and they are also mobile. As a developer, all you have to do is download the template and start doing your backend tasks.

Contact Form 20

Contact Form 20 is a well-thought-out contact form design. Instead of adding a separate map widget in the contact form, this template uses an interactive map background. The map can also be viewed in a full-screen view without the contact form. The neat white contact form background provides excellent text visibility. In large rectangular fields, this template gives you more than enough space to add the required details. A red box is used to indicate which form field the user is currently editing. At the top you have a separate cutout to add the email line icon, you can also use this place to add your logo.

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Contact Form 19


Contact Form 19 is actually a modified version of contact form 20 mentioned above. This shape also uses the interactive map background with light blue overlay. Not only with the color of the overlay, this template follows the blue as the main color scheme. He looks professional and acts in a simple way. With the form, you get a simple and direct design. This form only provides you with form fields, namely, email address and a large message section. If you intend to use this form as a subscription form, be sure to add a name field. Since the Gmail inbox now has a promotional category, the unnamed emails will be shown on the promotional tab, not in the main inbox. Apart from that, this form nineteen version is a fully functional contact form from the front-end.

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Contact Form 18


Contact Form 18 is a perfect standard contact form for the commercial website. This form template uses the full page given design with the split screen design. Although this template follows a split-screen layout, the shape gets bigger and longer to contain all the elements of the form and the form f fields. Most of the part in the split-screen design is reserved for the image, but still, the form has a large amount of space to display the contents carefully. The shape follows a simple and clean design, therefore, the legibility is excellent in this way. At the bottom, you have the option to add profile links to social networks. Since most of the clients prefer communication in social networks, providing the link of the social account of your company will be a wise choice.

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Contact Form 17


Contact Form 17 also follows the same split-screen layout. This form has all the features and options that you would normally expect in a contact form. With the long form design, this template offers you ample amount of space to add all the important forms. lds neatly The longer design also avoids clumsy appearance. The split screen design is used effectively in this form template. On the left you have the option to add your contact information, so if the user prefers they can use the direct option to communicate with you. On the right side, you have the contact form, the important fields are clearly marked with the traditional asterisk symbol.

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Contact Form 16


Contact Form 16 is perfectly designed for one-page website templates. In the demo version, the contact form is triggered by the call to action button in the upper left corner. As the spaces are limited to the options of template of a page like this, a solution of work. The form opens in a light box with a blue overlay. From the animation effect to the validation of the form field, this template is in perfect working conditions. To match the ordered layout of this template, the line icons are used together with the labels in the form field. Shadow effects are used for the call-to-action buttons at the bottom of the page, so they look distinctive to the rest of the page.

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Contact Form 15

Free Contact -forms-15

Contact Form 15 is a hybrid version of the sixteen and nineteen versions mentioned above. This form template provides you with a normal contact form and an interactive map background. If you are running a hotel or other service, the sector that provides your location at the bottom of the map will help visitors to plan your route easily. The interactive map feature makes this form template the best option for hotel website templates. At the bottom of the dark thematic map, the neat contact form looks elegant. The fonts used for the form are neat and easy to read on both small screen devices and desktop computers.

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Contact Form 14


Contact Form 14 is a simple direct contact form. With clean animation effects and an impeccable design, this form template will fit perfectly to any type of website template. From a developer's perspective, this template is easy to use and customize. Standard odo and well-written code base reduces half the work for developers. All the developer must do is adapt it to the template and take care of the back-end integration work. This format responds in a mobile way, so you can easily add it to a receptive mobile website template.

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Contact Form 13


Contact Form 13 is a split-screen style contact form template. Instead of using a static image On the one hand, this template uses an interactive Google map. Since the map comes from Google direct maps, you get all the features and options you would normally get in a Google m app. The contact form on the right side uses a clean white background, to give a contrasting feeling, the map uses a dark theme. A static support is placed on the map to help you add the contact number. The form field supports field validation, therefore, when a user loses a field, the error is indicated by a red exclamation mark. When you move the cursor over the exclamation point, the required format is shown as an example.

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Contact Form 12


Contact Form 12 is an interactive form that uses CSS animation effects instead of providing an image static simple. Have a contact form with rounded edges, which today is a trendy pattern that you can see in many modern website templates. Because the clean white background is used for the contact form, the fields in the form use a grayish color scheme to distinguish it from the background. Ordered font Great icons and form field labels are used to indicate to users what details should be provided in the respective form field.

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Contact Form 11


Contact Form 11 is a square-style traditional look contact form template. of fashion gradient, this template shows that it uses the latest framework of HTML5 and CSS3. This form provides you with four form fields to collect the name of the users, the email address and the website. e, and message. Important fields are indicated by an asterisk symbol so that the user does not leave empty fields. Just below the contact form, you have space to add your contact number. The only error you will find with this form is the message field is collapsed after clicking on it. Apart from that, the form template is in full working condition.

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Contact Form 10


Contact Form 10 is a clear and clean contact form template. With the minimalist approach, this template easily adapts to any type of website template. To match the minimal design, the visual effects used are also subtle and clean. By expanding the animation effects a bit, they tell the user in what field they are currently entering data. Form field labels are used to indicate what data should be provided in a particular form field. As this form template follows a borderless design, has no space restriction, the form simply floats on the screen. Like most other free contact forms in this list, this form is also available for mobile devices.

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Contact Form 9


Contact Form 9 also follows the floating style menu form templates. Both the background form and the form fields are given. the same white color scheme, so that the form fields look distinctive, the effects of shadows are used. In the demo version, the form is used as a full page form with an interactive map as a background with a clean gradient layer. Right below the call-to-action button you have room to add a contact number. The call to action button is the only element of color in this form, which looks elegant on the clean white background.

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Contact Form 8


Contact Form 8 is a square-look contact form template. This form uses elements of classy form. in a modern structure. A complete light theme is followed in this way, which shows web elements and texts in an orderly manner both on small screen devices and on large screen desktops. The feature that this form template provides is "Send a copy to my email", it is a considerable feature that keeps it transparent with your customers. By sending a copy to users, they can review your message when they receive a response from you. This form also uses an interactive map background to make use of the full page layout provided.

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Contact form 7


Contact form 7 is a simple and clean form template. This template offers you form fields in the form of a full page. The visual effects on this form are very minimal, only the place where you see the effects is clearly on the call to action buttons. Gradient color used in the call to action button s when you hover the cursor over the button. Clear line icons and form field labels are used to indicate to users what information should be completed in the corresponding form field. This form uses HTML5 and CSS3 frameworks that help you meet modern web needs, such as mobile optimization and browser compatibility. This form works perfectly well in all browsers and is also easy to interact with mobile devices.

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Contact Form 6


Contact Form 6 is a well-animated contact form. With the help of the latest HTML5 and CSS3 frameworks, the creator of this template can give you a lightweight form with all these animation effects. Texts in bold and a large amount of spacing give this form a neat appearance and readability is also ideal for both small screen devices and desktop computers. At the bottom, you have space to add your contact number. This form also uses an interactive dark theme map as a background. This map is also integrated with Google maps, so you get all the basic features of the map in this form template.

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Contact Form 1


The one contact form will be a better addition to the modern website templates. This form template includes all the features of a modern web design. With the latest HTML5 and CSS3 framework, this template gives us an interactive form. The contact form one is a great form, the spaces are used intelligently with an interactive element on the left, which moves according to the movement of the cursor. On the right, you get the form fields, with this template you get the fields of name, email, subject and message. Only one small thing that this template omits is field validation and none of the fields is marked as a required field, so when you add it to your site, be sure to fix it. Apart from this, this is a beautiful and modern way that is easy to use and edit.

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Contact Form 2


Contact Form 2 is an elegant way both in terms of color combination and design. Template is displayed as a full page template, if you already have a website template, you can use the form only. This form uses HTML5 and CSS3 framework, so editing and integrating with you our existing website will be an easy job. Another great advantage of this form is that it is optimized for mobile devices. To use the full screen design, this template uses an image background if you can use it or you can simply change it to the pattern you want. Each field in the form is indicated by a form tag to help the user know what details should be provided in the particular field.

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Contact form 3


Sometimes it is better to give more than one option to your visitors. If you are looking for a contact form for a commercial website template or a newly created company website, it is best to provide a quote form along with the contact form to make the process even simpler. The contact form 3 provides you with both the contact form and the quote form with this template. Then, when users are about to contact you, they can easily choose the option they want. In the contact form, you get regular form fields such as name, email and message. But with the quote form you get the drop-down field to allow the user to select the required services and budget. The animation effects in this template are also elegant and fast, so there is no lag when changing forms.

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Contact Form 4


Contact Form 4 is a long form, so you get a lot of space to add all the fields in the form. With large texts in bold, readability is easy in this template, which also makes it a perfect complement to the templates of creative websites. With this form, you get form fields for collectin g information about name, email and message. Along with the common form field, this template also gives you form fields of pull-down options for services and budgets just like in the three form version you've seen before. This template uses a gradient color scheme that looks attractive and animated when combined with visual effects. If you need it, you can change this color scheme to match the color pattern of your website template.

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Contact Form 5


Contact Form 5 is a bold and clean form. With its simple and clean design, this template becomes the best In addition to the minimal website templates, not only the design, but also the visual effects remain simple in this form template. The best part of this template is that it supports ion field validation, which will help reduce the probability of obtaining fault data. With this template, you get a drop-down form field to help the user select the services you want. If you are creating a website for the large organization, providing an option to select services will help you filter the messages easily. Again, this template is just a framework, we have to manually handle the back-end work.

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