How To Create An Online Clothing Store With WordPress?

Have you thought about how to create a clothing store in line with the WordPress theme? If you have the theme of your dreams in mind, it's great. In case you are completely blank or confused, then without thinking twice, go with Andrina WordPress Theme.

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Step by step tutorial to create an online store with WordPress theme

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How to create an online clothing store with Andrina WordPress theme

So, let's take a walk in "How to create an online clothing store with Andrina WordPress Theme" without hiring and paying a considerable amount to the developer

1. Installing the WordPress theme to create a clothing store website

For an online clothing store, we will first install a WordPress theme. This theme will act as a complete design of our website. We are using Andrina here since it has the famous 2 minute installation.

Let us take you step by step from here:

  • Download the .zip file of the Andrina theme.
  • In the WordPress administration area, click Appearance → Themes.
  • In the Themes option, you must click on Add new themes.
  • Then click Choose file and upload the .zip file downloaded from Andrina
  • Finally, you will have to click on the Load Theme button to begin the installation.

theme installation
Then you simply have to activate the Andrina theme from the WordPress admin panel. And yes, installing a WordPress theme is that simple.

Appearance → Themes → Andrina WordPress theme activation

Theme installation

2. Home Personalization of the website with the WordPress theme

Now, when you have learned how to install a WordPress theme on the WordPress server, we will begin to add your personalization to the home page.

In the administration panel, you can find the Appearance option. Once you click on it, a drop-down sub-menu will have a Custom option. From this real-time customizer, we will add the sliders, logos and all other elements to the main page.

Admin panel → Appearance → Customize (See image below)

<img class = "alignnone wp-image-87548 size-full" src = "https: // images. "alt =" Home page setup [19659025] So, the customization part is going to be more like a tutorial and an in-depth look by Andrina WordPress Theme.

  • Start customization in the Personalization Panel

And yes, you have reached the Personalization Panel. Here you will do all the customization.

Now let's customize Andrina to show her how to give the e-commerce website a surprising look.

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This is what the entire customization panel looks like.

Technically it is WordPress Customizer. But the most recent!

People usually call it Front-end customizer.

This is a unique interface for the appearance of the website and many features such as the WooCommerce section, CSS, etc. [19659010] We will excavate this personalization panel in depth.

Therefore, you will find the option for Custom Logo to add or modify the logo of your clothing website.

Then there is also Home page settings and home page load animation to create effects to welcome users.

Of course, you will find Slider settings to add images and brightness in the transitions on your e-commerce website.

Next in line will be Featured Area Here you can decide which services or sections to highlight.

As we move forward, there is a homepage Blog section to add the blogs presented on the homepage.

Next, in WooC Section of e-commerce products you can simply create a store section. Here you can add images together with price tags and various offers.

Here you will find Social Icons to add to your e-store website.

Go to Footer Configuration from where you can design the footer by dragging and dropping the element.

For additional functions, this customizer has accommodated Google Analytics tracking code, Captcha settings, SEO options.

If you're good with the codes, then go to Additional CSS. And if it is not too demanding, then Style Options in the customizer is perfect for you.

  • Add your company logo to the clothing website

In the personalization panel, the custom logo is the first field to work on. Therefore, you must click on Custom Logo and then enter the URL routes of your logo in the corresponding fields in "Custom Logo".

Customization panel → Custom logo → Enter the URL to add a new logo; Change or delete the logo (See images below)

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  • Create an impressive layout for the home page

The section of the home page makes your homepage dynamic. In Home page settings, you can choose what to display on the home page as a static page or the latest posts.

Customization panel → Home page configuration → Home page screen

[19659051] Main page settings "width =" 299 "height =" 248 "/>

  • Create transitions and animations on the start page

In this configuration, you can activate or deactivate the upload animation, depending on your taste, so it is a click to add or remove animations on the website of your clothing store.

Customization panel → Home page Animation settings loading → On / Off

1526785461 569 how to create an online clothing store with wordpressMain page loading animation

  • Add an image slider using the slider settings

Simply load the images in the slider from the Customization Panel and the images would begin to appear on the site's home page Web.

Customizer panel → Slider settings

Slider panel1526785461 860 how to create an online clothing store with wordpress

Slider settings → Slider animation section

This section is for updating the slider to the next level with animations, speed, text area and more. Here, you can set the transition speed for the slider. Add the animation effects. You can add headers, subtitles and text description to the slider using the Sliding Animation Section.

Animation of the slider

Slider settings → First slider

Here you can add the image, title, subtitle, text description, button link and slide link to the slider.

Configuration of the first slider

  • Highlight the services on the main page with the featured section

In the section presented on the main page, you get a box type design where you can add a captivating image, its title and description . Then, you can attach a URL so that, whenever it is clicked, redirect it to the URL or link attachments.

Customization panel → Function section of the start page

Function sectionFeature of the start page Section

Function section of the start page → Section Function Activation / Deactivation

This allows you to activate or deactivate the presented section manually according to the needs.

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Function section of the main page → Area of ​​the first function

You can add the image you want to view here, then its title and description together with the redirection link.

First function area

Home page section → Unlimited feature box

This Andrina Theme feature allows you to create an unlimited number of featured pictures on the home page .

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  • Feature blogs on the home page to captivate viewers

There are 3 types of blog sections that have been included in the theme so that they can be displayed in different formats, which will be displayed in the cover of the subject.

Customizer panel → Blog section of the homepage

BlogBlog section

Customizer panel → Blog section of the page start → Configuration of the blog section

section of the blog section of the home page allows you to add the header of the first blog that will be displayed on the home page. Going further, you can add the category of the blog. You can do the same in the second section of the blog. Then, there is also an option to enable / disable the display of the blog section on the main page.

First section of the blog

  • Install your clothing store using the WooCommerce product section

Finally, after a complete personalization round, you can now give your clothing store room on the Sp home page, the Users can do so immediately buy their favorite products on the home page.

The product section of the WooCommerce store is the key ingredient to create an online clothing store. By using this you can visualize products on the homepage, its categories and more.

Customization Panel → Home Section of WooCommerce Store

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  • Add your contact details to the website

When you finish setting up your online store with the products section of the WooCommerce homepage, the next row in the configuration will be Contact Details Settings. This will allow the display of your contact information such as the contact number, email address on the home page.

Customization panel → Contact details Lower band

1526785463 715 how to create an online clothing store with wordpress Contact details Configurations

  • Improve your web presence with social icons

By accessing social links, you can easily add social icons on the main page.

Customization Panel → Social Icons

1526785464 762 how to create an online clothing store with wordpress Social Icons Settings

  • Add widgets to the lower footer widget settings

Use this option to add copyright text on the home page. You can also set your first footer section and add text or image.

Customization Panel → Bottom Footer Widget Section

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Bottom Footer Widget Section → Widget Area Setting [19659058] You can make the footer section interesting by placing widgets. Now, when the entire design is adorned with so many elements, the bottom footer also needs attention. Therefore, you can add the search widget, contact details and much more to the footer using this panel. In addition, this section also allows you to activate / deactivate the display of widgets on the home page.

Widget activation / deactivation settings

Bottom page widgets section → Copyright text

This section the footer will help people to know its authenticity. You just have to enter the text in the text area, save it, that's it!

Copyright text settings

  • Add the Google Analytics tracking code to get real-time statistics for your website

Add the Google Analytics tracking code from the Personalization Panel to track your statistics. periodically

Customizer Panel → Google Analytics Tracking Code

1526785465 926 how to create an online clothing store with wordpressGoogle Analytics Tracking Code

  • Use the Captcha settings on the contact form for antispam

Set your Google reCaptcha site key and the secret key for the contact page template. You can activate or deactivate your ReCaptcha field with activation / deactivation options.

Customization panel → Captcha configuration for contact form

1526785465 897 how to create an online clothing store with wordpressCapture settings

  • Style option and custom CSS for additional style elements

You can change the style of your website with the "Style options". We have provided eight color options with the Andrina theme, you can change them according to your requirements. There is the option Custom CSS where you can write HTML or CSS code and make small adjustments to the website.

Customization panel → Style options

1526785465 283 how to create an online clothing store with wordpressStyle option settings

  • SEO settings to make your clothes user-friendly with the website search engine

This section makes your website search engine especially friendly. Here you can meta keywords, meta description, meta name of the author.

Customizer Panel → SEO Options

1526785466 201 how to create an online clothing store with wordpressSeo Configuration

  • Identity of the site to globalize your brand with the unique logo

Use this option to add the site title, the slogan and the site icon in the tab of your website. You can also upload a site icon by selecting an image.

Customizer Panel → Site Identity

Site Identity

  • Add a background color for an amazing impact

This feature adds the taste of your style to your website. It gives you a palette from where you can choose any color to fill the bottom of the home page of your clothing page.

Customization Panel → Colors

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  • Add a background image for a better look

Then, in the above feature, we learned how to add background color and here we will learn how to add a custom background image to the page start.

Customization panel → Background image

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  • Compilation menu for your online clothing store

Andrina Theme had a preset function to display all the pages and subpages in the menu.

However, you can also create a custom menu using the Menus option in the "Appearance" section.

Menu section → Create a new menu → Enter the name of the menu → Check Mark the desired pages in the menu → Add to menu

To make a menu, you must obtain the menu section menu first. Then, you must click on create a new menu button. Secondly, you are naming your new menu in the menu name tab. After this, on the left, a check box section will appear with the pages. Therefore, you should make a checklist of the pages you want on your menu. Finally, you must click on Add new menu button. This is how you will create a new menu.

Creating drop-down menus

For a drop-down menu, you must create a new menu by following the steps above or you can modify a menu. You simply have to search for the structure and then whatever you want to display can move it to the right side. (See the image below)


  • Add the Widgets To Your Clothing website

On your clothing website, you can add widgets in the sidebar or in the footer section. However, the path to the widgets section is like:

Dashboard → Appearance → Widgets

Add widgets in the sidebar

To add widgets in the sidebar, all you have to do is to select the Widgets option in the Appearance panel, then drag the widget you need and drop it in the main widgets area or in the secondary widgets area according to your requirements, at the end click on the Save button and your widgets will be ready to its use.

Tabletop➡Apairment➡Widgets➡Drag & Drop Widgets in the main / secondary widget area

(See the image below)

Sidebar Widgets

Adding widgets in the footer

To add widgets in the footer you can follow the same steps of adding widgets to the sidebar. However, we will give you a quick look.

Appearance Panel Widgets Drag and Drop Widgets in the Footer Area Save Button

(See the image below)

Footer Widget

We have come to the end of our step-by-step tutorial on how to create an online clothing store with the WordPress theme. Now, we are confident that this DIY will give you an advantage over your competitors with an online platform.

When creating a website with Andrina, if you need any help, you can contact us here:

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