5+ Email Verification Services [Comparison With Pricing]

Email verification services save you from the disastrous side of email marketing.


Well, I would never make calls to a dead phone. So, why would you send your marketing emails to dead email addresses?

So, if you're willing to send emails to everyone on your list without checking, then a lot can happen.

First, will lose your loving dollars in every email that did not even hit the inbox.

Second, this failed attempt to send emails to incorrect IDs would increase rebound rates. Then, you will be playing your reputation.

Third, high bounce rates would convince ISPs to treat it as a spammer. And who on this planet Earth would be bothered by an unwanted email?

Finally, if it does not stop here, its bad reputation will leave the server with only one remaining option. BLOCKING!

You want to bang on your server's doors and tell him –

"Unblock me". I can explain it! Was not me! I should have checked my email list.

I will never miss the EMAIL VERIFICATION SERVICES. "

So, when you trust email marketing, be sure to keep track of the list of email subscribers. [19659013] Also, there are some things you should look for in an email verification service: accuracy , speed, support, prices and other factors to maintain the list of its healthy subscribers such as:

Formatting and syntax checking – Check if an email is up to the standards or not. (specifically spelling and symbolic errors)

MX Registration Domain / Check – This is to verify and authenticate the domain of the email address.

Disposable email provider check – This filters all the IDs of unwanted email used for single registration

Verification of role-based email – Check and extract The ids like support@domain.com, sales @ domain.com etc.

And much more …

So, we have a list of the top 5 email verification services that are on the web and that include all these important hygiene factors listed.

can ensure that a small investment in email verification services can give you a greater part of the time and returns, so why think twice.

5+ Email verification services [Detailed Comparison With Pricing]

Services Price per 10k email Integrations Reviews
Cleaning of email list $ 20 Google Analytics tics, Zapier, etc. 4.5 / 5 ZeroBounce $ 30 None 4.5 / 5
EmailChecker $ 69 None 4.9 / 5 [19659030] Bounceless ] $ 49 SendGrid, Mailerlite, more. 4.4 / 5
MailGun $ 89 None 4.4 / 5
BriteVerify $ 100 MailChimp, AWeber, etc. 4/5

1. MailGet List Cleaning – Economical and friendly email verification tool

While searching the Internet for the best email verification services, MailGet will definitely attract your attention. It is one of the best qualified verification services with the cheapest price plan to filter the email list. Now, in addition to an incredibly low price, it has also earned the trust of giants such as Cisco, Harward and more.

This email service requests a single click for your action-packed work. Simply upload the email list in CSV format or Excel spreadsheet and this list cleaner will do it all. Also, clean your email list up to 99.00% without leaving any gap. The work done by this verification service arrives by mail along with an illustrated work report.

Specifically, the verification process of the email address follows 9 exhaustive steps here

  • The cleaning of the email list starts from the email syntax checker, the record checker, the role checker. These verify the format, grammatical errors and IDs of roles emails such as support@domain.com, etc.
  • Next comes the duplicate email remover, the suspended list inspector and the gray email list checker. They work to eliminate duplicate and unwanted emails.
  • Next in the image is MX Record Checker, MX server connection checker and disposable email provider checker. Your job is in domain verification, spam domain and more. Any email list that goes through it will surely offer the correct syntax, secure domains and 100% exclusivity.

Pricing Plans

MailGet List Cleaning pricing plans are relatively simpler and more economical.

I like a list of 1000 emails, they will charge a single amount of $ 4 only. In fact, MailGet's secure pricing strategy has made it one of the toughest contenders in the email list validation segment.

In addition, the pay-per-use model does not leave any kind of commitment. Therefore, you can try it immediately, since you are not obligated to any recurring payment.

More details about cleaning the MailGet list

2. ZeroBounce: the best in email list cleaning services

This is one of the leading emerging brands in email verification services. Launched in 2016, it has won the hearts and offers of thousands of customers along with market leaders such as Siemens, Shopify, etc. Players in this segment focus in a monomaniac way on cleaning and checking email lists. Rather, ZeroBounce works in a multidimensional way in the verification of email list along with the improvement of the email list.

zero rebound email list cleaning service

ZeroBounce has an API integration that allows real-time email verification. Also, for cleaning the email list, you have a wide range of tabs that act as a filter for your email list.

Specifically, you will find 6 tokens for the validation of your email list: junk email checker, disposable email checker, capture -all the Domain Inspector, these three jobs detect and clean unwanted emails, temporary emails and risky domains.

Next, the Junk Mail Trap Checker, the Bounce Email Checker, the Toxic Domain Checker are the advanced ones that work to pre-identify the email addresses prone to the spam trap, the email address that will bounce and toxic domains.

For the improvement of the email list, you will find the social attachment function that can identify the first and last name. Next, the function of adding gender email scans the first name and closely identifies the gender. In fact, through the analysis reports, you get the complete picture of your complete data.

Also, apart from these, there are still more functions to add. Literally, there's nothing to brag about ZeroBounce, it just works without problems.

Pricing Plans

You will find a free demo of 100 email lists that will push you to try and buy the product. The plans take a kick-s cake from the email list 5k for $ 15 and reach more than 5 million email lists.

In fact, e-mail prices decrease as the number of e-mails increases. Like asking for $ 0.003 for email for a 5k-10k email list, $ 0.002 for email for a 100k-250k email list and this continues.

More details on ZeroBounce

3. EmailChecker – Email Cleaning Tool

EmailChecker comes with a turn in cleaning lists. It has an intelligent integration of API keys and actively verifies all emails in real time. Therefore, the list of emails that you will collect will not need any additional filtering. This is done with the real-time verification offered by the EmailChecker.

Email Checker Email Verification Services

For list cleaning, it has syntax key functions and format checker, domain checker and mailbox checker. In addition, EmailChecker complies with all major email service providers.

This list cleaner has successfully acclaimed a large number of customers in the kitty. In fact, 97% of delivery capacity is the average rate that EmailChecker has achieved so far. Another thing that can persuade you to stay with EmailChecker is the easy-to-use approach. Its dashboard and user interface are extremely easy and friendly for beginners.

Pricing Plans

EmailChecker's pricing plan starts at $ 14 for 1000 emails and continues to increase. Now, you also have unique monthly subscription plans that have a fixed number of emails for cleaning, instant access and a few other things.

More details on EmailChecker

4. Bounceless: the best tool for Email Marketing services

The name says a lot. Bounceless says that the bounce rates of emails go down 10 times. In fact, it also guarantees to take delivery rates up to 95%. It also has a beginner-friendly approach with an easy-to-use dashboard and a simple user interface. This is one of the best email verification services available in the market.

Bounceless Email Verification Services

You can clean up your bulk email list, plus an email validation API that integrates with your web forms or websites or applications. In addition, this API key performs the analysis in real time and prevents you from entering incorrect or high-risk emails in your system. Therefore, this API integration proves to be one of the best practices for the validation of email lists.

Then there are many integrations offered. As you can integrate seamlessly with the MailChimp account, the SendGrid account, the SenderLite account.

Then you get a general idea of ​​all your emails and your work. Therefore, it provides analysis in color graphics that more closely resemble the Bounceless job report.

Pricing Plans

If you are looking for good value for money, it is one of the best email verification tools you can trust. It has a decreasing price plan so when the amount of emails increases, the price decreases as a result.

As in 2500 emails, it charges $ 19 for email list verification, for 5000 emails it asks for $ 29, for 10000 email list it pays $ 49 And the list goes on. Therefore, the price continues to decrease as the email list increases.

All price plans are paid on the fly. No long-term commitment is really a great betting business!

More details on Bounceless

5. MailGun: the best in email verification services

MailGun is one of the pioneers in email marketing services and the validation of the email list is a sub-dimension of it. He has developed a jQuery-based plugin for checking email lists that can be easily molded with web forms.

MailGun Email List Cleaning Services

In MailGun email verification, you will find a three-step checkpoint. Validate bulk email addresses based on real-world algorithms. Sometimes, RFC emails are sometimes not accepted by ESPs and then MailGun analyzes the emails based on their acceptability by ESPs and RFCs.

There is another custom grammar check filter that presents errors and suggestions for email IDs. 19659013] The last segment is API, which is really a defense of high-risk emails like role-based emails, disposable domains, etc. Also, fill your kitten with DNS searches, MX and A record searches, and much more.

Pricing Plans

Although it has proven to be effective as an email validation service, its price is a bit complicated. It is because they offer separate plans for the validation of the email list, but also recurring plans for their combined services. These combined plans offer services such as sending email, validating email for a fixed limit every month at a recurring price.

Specifically, it provides email validation at $ 0.009 by email. Then, the plan goes up to $ 9 for 1000 email validations, $ 24 for 2500 emails and this continues.

More details about MailGun

6. BriteVerify – Real-time email validation via API

BriteVerify does not need to be presented as it is one of the major brands in the mailing list cleaning market. He has marked his presence in the email marketing plan of many customers and companies.

BriteVerify Email Verification Services

You have an intelligent verification of the email list that aims to reduce bounce rates by 98%. With this service, you simply have to drag and drop the email list into the application or the web platform. Or you can simply upload the email list and rest. BriteVerify does it all.

Once the list goes through this filter, it gets the email list cleaned of duplicate, risky and grammatically incorrect emails.

Then equip your e-forms or your electronic platform with the API key. It is a verification of real-time email via API, which guarantees that you never receive a false amount of emails. The real-time verification that validates each email at the time of processing.

You will get ready-to-use integrations with SendGrid, AWeber, Active Campaign, Constant Contact, MailChimp, and the list is long.

Pricing Plans

It has comparatively higher price plans, but its performance can persuade it to free up its pockets. In addition, it works according to the principle that the greater the number of emails, the lower the price.

As the email list increases, the price per email decreases gradually. Like, 0-250k emails for $ 0.01 per email, 250k-500k emails for $ 0.008 per email and more.

More details about BriteVerify

Winding Up –

Together we explore some of the best email verification services. Cleaning up the email list is imperative while you rely on email marketing. Therefore, in the framework of email marketing tools, the cleaning of email lists may not be the first, but it is an obligation.

The services presented in this blog have API integration in real time, well-structured pricing plans and much more. Therefore, you can freely choose any of them.

We hope you have obtained one of the best e-mail debugging services. Therefore, continue promoting and keep growing.

Then there must be reasons for questions, doubts or perhaps suggestions, so we are open to it. You can comment below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

There is another article that you can consult. This has the best email list cleaning services in the market.

Here is the link: Email List Cleaning Services

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