5+ Best Lead Generation WordPress Themes 2018 – aThemes

If you want to grow your business, this collection of the best generation WordPress themes can help you create a website focused on conversions.

If your goal is to increase the number of subscribers of electronic newsletters, register more customers, acquire new customers, sell more products or some other goal related to the conversion, these topics include all the necessary tools to launch an effective website of generation of leads with WordPress.

With prefabricated landing page demonstrations that cover a variety of styles and projects, you should have no trouble finding an appropriate set of templates from the themes in this collection. However, if you need to make adjustments to the content of the demo, you will soon discover that the themes presented here are highly flexible, and many of them offer premium page builders as part of their function lists. Generating leads from smartphone users is also very simple with these themes, thanks to their mobile designs.

Therefore, regardless of the type of potential customers you want to generate, you will surely find a suitable WordPress theme in this collection that will help you Quickly start your new high conversion website.

LandKit is a WordPress theme for creating custom home pages to promote your products and services.

Regardless of the type of opportunity or offer you wish to promote to your audience, LandKit has a good selection of prebuilt landing pages that will provide you with many options to generate leads from your website. In addition to prebuilt templates, LandKit also comes equipped with a drag-and-drop page creation tool that greatly simplifies the process of editing pre-built content, and also creates your own custom designs from scratch. 19659002] However, despite the high level of customization offered by this page creation tool, with so many demonstrations of professional home pages in the LandKit themes package, you may never need to use them. For example, with landing page designs that have been produced specifically for consultants, digital products, events and webinars, as well as SaaS products and crowdfunding campaigns, and more, you can quickly start your landing page website with LandKit .

Thanks for installing just one click, creating a WordPress home page for your own project to help your clients achieve their goals has never been so easy. The options and customization settings of the theme give you total control over the design of your home page, offering a quick and easy way to change colors, adjust fonts and adjust the design. If you need to make sure that your landing page matches your brand or if you know there are certain colors to which your audience responds well, then making those changes on your website is very easy with LandKit. Finally, everything about LandKit has been optimized and designed to work just as well on small screen devices such as large screen desktops and laptops, ensuring you can generate leads no matter how your audience accesses your site. 19659002] With 13 high-quality page layouts, LandKit easily justifies its place in this collection of the best generation WordPress themes.

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LeadX is a highly flexible landing page and a leading generation WordPress theme that looks great and is easy to use.

Whether you're new to WordPress or an experienced user of the world's most popular website development platform, you should have no trouble starting an efficient lead generation site with LeadX. In fact, since this theme has 7 premium landing page demos, it not only has a quick way to launch your site with LeadX but also has many options when choosing a design for your project.

If you do, see In the demonstrations on the LeadX website, you will notice that this theme has prebuilt landing page designs for a wide range of projects and offers. With designs designed to help you promote physical products, applications, software and services, you should be able to find a suitable template here. There is even a demonstration focused on real estate that will help you generate leads for any property or project related to the accommodation you are promoting.

To ensure that your website is an effective asset that generates leads, all LeadX landing page designs include a good selection of features related to the conversion. For example, you will find prospect generation forms that make it easier for your visitors to send their details, there are also call-to-action buttons that can help your visitors take the next step or enter your sales funnel, as well as the company's logo. client and testimonial screens.

As you would expect from a modern WordPress theme, it is not limited to pre-built content. LeadX includes the premium plugin WPBakery Page Builder, formerly known as Visual Composer, which facilitates the customization of pre-built templates or the creation of your own designs from scratch.

LeadX works well for a wide range of projects, so it could be a good option to help you generate more leads online.

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Leadinjection has created website demos to generate leads for all kinds of offers and opportunities.

Some of the projects in which the Leadinjection theme should work especially well include doctors, lectures, applications, eBooks and online courses. You will also find templates for prebuilt prospect generation websites for insurance offers, service providers and a home page design related to cryptocurrencies. Then, once you have chosen a design, thanks to the installation tool, you can easily import one of the Leadinjection home page templates into your WordPress website with just a few clicks.

If you can not find a prebuilt homepage design that is perfect for your offer, Leadinjection might still be a good option. Thanks to the customization options, you can easily adjust the focus of any demo content to better fit your goals. The WPBakery Page Builder tool is included at no additional cost, allowing you to redesign all Leadinjection demonstration content if necessary.

When it comes to prospect generation characteristics, this topic certainly is not lacking. A particularly useful tool in the Leadinjection package is the Lead Modal plugin. Thanks to this addition, you can create pop-up windows that are activated when visitors click on specific links, images, buttons or text. You can also customize the triggers so that the pop-ups are displayed after a certain period of time, or perhaps most impressively, when a visitor is about to leave your site. Of course, you can use Leadinjection's drag-and-drop creation tool to customize the appearance of pop-ups and forms on your site for maximum conversion rates.

Whether you choose the business coach lead generation website template, the mover's home page, or one of the other Leadinjection designs, you should have no problem creating an effective website with this topic.

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Conversi is a drag-and-drop crawl generation WordPress homepage theme.

After loading the theme files, you can quickly start working on your lead generation website by importing the prebuilt landing page design. Since it only takes a few clicks to transform a new WordPress installation into a professional-looking lead generation website, you could find new customers, sell more products or grow your business in another way with the Conversi theme not long. after starting

Although the Conversi theme only has a demonstration of the main website for generating sales opportunities in the package, it can be quickly adjusted by selecting presets. For example, through the configuration of the theme, it is possible to change the design of the header, adjust the color scheme and choose a new design width.

You can also use the WPBakery Page Builder tool to customize the default layout of the main page. Now, through this drag-and-drop content editor, you can choose which items are displayed on your landing page, as well as add new sections using the module library in the WPBakery Page Builder package. You can even use the page template selection that comes with the add-on to add additional content to your website, including additional landing pages, contact, envelope and other pages. As Conversi also includes the superior Slider Revolution add-on, you can add interactive slide shows to your website to showcase your services or products and generate even more leads through your WordPress website.

Conversi comes with a high-quality lead generation home page design that can be easily adjusted.

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Getleads has nine ready-to-use landing page layouts and a library of conversion-centric elements.

With nine landing page designs that have been refined over the years since this theme was first launched, you should be able to find an appropriate WordPress lead generation template in the Getleads package . While this is a customizable theme that should, in theory, generate leads for any company, if your project is related to finding new clients for your agency, growing your yoga business, promoting an online course or selling tickets for your company. event. , Getleads has a prefabricated template that can be useful.

When it comes to customizing your home pages, Getleads includes a library of abbreviated codes that can be used to insert effective elements for generating leads into your content. With modules such as buttons, call-to-action banners, forms and sliders at your fingertips, you can quickly build a home page that can help you achieve your goals. In fact, there are also more than 230 page sections in this package that can be mixed and combined to produce an almost endless collection of landing page designs. As all the contact forms included in the Getleads page templates are working, you could generate new leads from the first day.

Another useful feature of the Getleads theme is the backup tool of the WordPress website. Now you do not need to worry about losing your website and your potential customers again. Simply activate this tool and your website and your data will be protected and stored securely. In addition, to ensure that you can take full advantage of this powerful topic, there is a complete set of documentation available online that will help you get started, start your website online and more.

With one click to call mobile devices to call and many other features of lead generation, Getleads will surely help you grow your business.

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Urip is a well-established leading generation WordPress theme designed to grow any type of business.

Now in version 8, the theme of Urip has even more features than ever. Thanks to its clean and professional design, this theme can be easily adjusted for almost any type of project. So, if you want to generate more subscribers for your email list, encourage more downloads for your applications or find new clients to work with, Urip should be on your favorites list.

The small selection of lead generation website demos includes designs with opt-in forms that are on the front and in the center, as well as designs that can be used to link directly to mobile app stores. There are also designs with space for a great welcome message, followed by useful sections that show customer and client logos, testimonials, skill charts and more. This popular leading generation WordPress theme also has a useful set of templates for the other pages your site might need, such as the blog section and the portfolio area.

If you need to customize Urip's demo content or create your own sales page or other unique content designs, the WPBakery Page Builder add-on is included in the package. As this tool includes its own set of modules related to the generation of prospects, you can quickly add elements such as countdown timers, price tables and call-to-action buttons to your pages. Also included is the Slider Revolution premium plugin, which allows you to add full-screen presentations and slide shows to your home pages. In addition, as this topic has been developed in the framework of Bootstrap, everything related to your site will respond to mobile devices to help you generate potential customers of smart phone users, as well as their home or work computers.

Urip also has full e-commerce support if you want to sell products directly from your lead generation website.

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5 best lead generation wordpress themes 2018 athemes

Joe Fylan

Joe has been using WordPress for many years, building many different types of websites along the way. Joe now likes to work as an independent content writer and is available to hire.

Disclosure: Some of the links in this publication are affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the links and purchase an item, you may receive a commission. All opinions, however, are ours and we do not accept payments for positive reviews.

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