Deadpool 2 proves the first movie was no fluke

When the original Deadpool hit theaters, it was a breath of fresh air. Comics fans may already be familiar with the "merc with the mouth", but in the context of modern superhero films, both the character and the self-referential style of the 2016 film were a subversive delight. The creators of Deadpoo l clearly knew how absurd the superhero movies had become, acknowledged that the public also knew and mixed everything in an R-rated game that brought in more than $ 780 millions around the world, while costing only a fraction of the price in a typical DC or Marvel tentpole.

But studios and filmmakers learned the lessons of Deadpool quickly, with James Mangold Logan embracing the visceral intensity that an R rating can allow, and Marvel practically satirizes with the hilarious Thor: Ragnarok by Taika Waititi. Now we live in a world after Deadpool and with the element of surprise that is no longer part of his arsenal, the inevitable Deadpool 2 has to devote himself to the more traditional business of creating a sequel that meets the expectations of the fans, while giving them enough of a new twist that everything does not feel completely cynical. The result is not as novel as the original, or has an effortless kinetic, but it is still an action movie full of jokes that continues to fulfill the potential of the character, while opening the door to an even bigger series of sarcastic superhero adventures.

Warning: soft spoilers for Deadpool 2 below.

Although the film is about a character who is arrogant and has almost no intelligence, Deadpool 2 is headed in an unexpected direction from the beginning: it makes Deadpool, also known as Wade Wilson, doubt himself same. After a personal setback, Wade (Ryan Reynolds) begins to question the point of the superhero business, and it is only after Colossus (Stefan Kapicic) and Nehazon Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) bring him as an apprentice to X-Men which starts to come in. Deadpool is Deadpool, however, and his arrogant arrogance can turn even the simplest mission into a complete and complete disaster. Soon, Wade becomes impotent and is thrown into the prison along with a young Pyrokinetic mutant named Russell ( Wilderpeople Hunt & # 39; s Julian Dennison). With his healing abilities out, Wade would rather plunge into his anguish and simply fade away, but when a cybernetic soldier traveling back in time called Cable (a dismal Josh Brolin) arrives from the future with murder in his mind, Wade is forced to put on the Deadpool mask once more. This time, however, he decides to recruit some allies to fight with him in his own group of superheroes: X-Force.

Some members of X-Force have already featured in the film's trailers, but those quick two-minute clips do not reveal that the antics of X-Force constitute some of the strongest moments of the film. ( Zazie Beetz, from Atlanta as Domino, is particularly memorable.) Where the original film was able to put aside all expectations about what a superhero movie should be, Deadpool 2 superhero teams. And after the heels of Avengers: Infinity War the satire could not be more perfectly synchronized. It is not a spoiler to say that the X-Force sequences are hilarious, unexpected and totally scandalous at times, showing a careless will to cross all imaginable lines, in ways that cause as much confusion as laughter.

The goalie jokes with the first one an enchanted film is there and represented: Deadpool calls the DC movies, The Goonies Batman and Ryan Reynolds, with their less impressive performances, among many others. But they do not have the same blow this time. It is expected that at this time, the table bets for the character of Deadpool, and many of them have already been spoiled in the trailers of the movie. Instead, Deadpool 2 feels more confident when he cheerfully does exactly the opposite of what the audience expects, or, in many cases, what the audience wants, while grunting and smiling all the way.

Photo: Twentieth Century Fox

It's a mission statement that the film delivers early, in a sequence of James Bond credits that literally embodies the imagined reactions of an indignant audience in the images themselves. It plays almost like a challenge for the audience, and every time the film can zigzag when the audience waits for a zag, it simmers with palpable energy. What detracts from the procedures is that sometimes Deadpool 2 does exactly what viewers should expect resulting in a movie that sometimes feels decidedly uneven. At one point, the character and the film are actively surprising the audience, squeezing laughter at a rapid pace. Other times, it's like watching another commercial or commercial spot of Deadpool, with his humorous gossip less and less interesting with every joke they pass. Deadpool, it seems, is hilarious in its doses, and the shelling of constant marketing has the side effect of making the movie feel a little less special.

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