Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon is an 8-bit Castlevania revival coming this month

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night was one of the best video game Kickstarter success stories of all time, and the return of Koji Igarashi Castlevania will be released later this year. Before that, however, there is another Bloodstained that will arrive very soon. A derivative title called Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon has just been announced at the BitSummit indie game show in Kyoto, and will be released in a couple of weeks.

While Ritual of the Night attempts to evoke the Castlevania games of heavy exploration from Igarashi as Symphony of the Night Curse of the Moon [La maldición de la luna] goes back to the previous past of the series , specifically, it looks a lot like Castlevania III: The Curse of Dracula for the NES. The color palette is much 8-bit, although there are large-scale animations and boss fights that the NES could not have handled. I played the 3DS version for a while, and it really looks great on the low resolution screen of the system.

Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon will be released on May 24 for almost every platform imaginable: Switch, 3DS, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One and Steam. It's going to cost $ 9.99, but anyone who backed Bloodstained on Kickstarter beyond their $ 28 level will get it for free.

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