Google offers an unusually clear view of how it manages user data ahead of GDPR

With the General Regulation of Data Protection of the European Union established to enter into force on May 25, the services in general are updating their terms of service to comply with the new privacy rules, and today, Google joined to the crowd. In a publication, the company introduced a new privacy policy, which details exactly how and why Google collects the data that feeds its various products.

While there are no significant changes in services or permissions, Google's new language is significantly less dense than its current policy, and it intends to comply with the GDPR requirement of "clear and transparent notification" of how the data will be used . The terms have also been expanded with explanatory videos and illustrations, because, as Google admits, "a visual description may be easier to understand than the text alone." The result is an unusually clear view of how Google manages user data.

We collect information to provide a better service to all our users, "says one section." When you are not registered in a Google account, we store the information we collect with unique identifiers linked to the browser, application or device that is using. This helps us do things like maintain your language preferences through the navigation settings. "

Google is also updating the options for exporting data Google has been offering data exports through Google Takeout since 2011, but the The company is now also expanding the service to include more services and finer controls, and the company is also supporting the Data Transfer Project, an open source system that would facilitate the movement of data between networks without problems.

Along with the publication of the blog, Google is sending email notifications to each Google account, whose number in the billions will. Emails will be spread over the next few days, given the scale of the notification.

Correction: Google is updating its Privacy policy today An earlier version of this article incorrectly referred to a new Term Service.

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