Spotify is testing a new personalized playlist featuring your friends’ favorite songs

A couple of months ago, some Spotify users noticed a new playlist called Friends Weekly, a compilation of songs that your Spotify friends played recently. Now it seems that Spotify is launching the function to a larger group today, although the company confirms The Verge that it is still in evidence.

Image: u / reCAPTCHAmePLZ via Reddit

Today, another Friends Weekly user shared a different screen capture with a separate group dedicated specifically to playlists Discover from your friends. Although technically you can follow the playlists of your friends now (if they have made them public), you must go to their page to find them. This row is a smaller test, and is not available to everyone who has Friends Weekly.

These playlists seem to be an effort to help make Spotify an even more social experience and to be more interested in your version of an activity feed. Also, it's probably funny to discover some of the worst (and best) guilty pleasure songs of your friends.

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