Google Drive’s redesign matches the new Gmail

Google recently reviewed Gmail with a new version and new features. Now the company is following and expanding an update of how Google Drive will look on the web. There are no changes in the way you use Drive; the redesign only implies color changes and where the icons and buttons are placed. Google says it made visual adjustments to Drive to align with its latest materials design principles, which were already showing in the new Gmail. "We created this new interface to create a responsive and efficient experience for Drive users, and to feel cohesive with other G Suite products," the company wrote in a blog post.

Changes include small adjustments to the place where the icons are placed: the configuration wheel and the help center button are aligned with the search bar; if you have a custom company logo, you have moved to the upper right corner; the "new" button has been updated; and the sources for the headers have been changed. The background of Drive is now also white instead of gray.


GIF: Google

Google says that the new redesign is available for all editions of G Suite and will be launched worldwide in the coming days.

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