HQ Trivia will soon let you see your friends’ answers to questions while you play

The popular daily quiz game HQ Trivia is adding a new feature on Friday that can make winning a little easier. If you decide to upload your contact list to HQ after the Friday update, you will be able to see which of your friends are playing the same game as you and even which answers they choose in the middle of the game. This new feature is based on a previous focused social update HQ made in early April, when the company first launched a list of friends in the application and allowed players to compare high scores with each other.

The new friend feature is quite simple. If you choose to connect your address book and add your friends who also play HQ, you can see who is playing during an active game. From there, you will see the avatars of your active friends next to the answer of a question. Users can place their own avatar next to the answer they choose, which will make it visible to other friends in the game. HQ says he is also launching a Close Friends feature so that players know new players who are not in their address book and who might be playing very close.

Image: HQ Trivia

These features, while not additions that change the game at headquarters, certainly help build player communities and retain users over time. Some people who fall out of the HQ car do so because they do not have friends to play with every day, or they just have trouble answering some of the most difficult questions that the application throws at players around a third to a half of a game . These new functions seek to address both problems, first by helping people help them digitize the answers effectively without having to be physically in the same location. And with Nearby Friends, the creators of HQ hope they can facilitate real-world connections and community play, as you can find in the trivia of local bars.

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