Here’s how you can buy the new LG G7 ThinQ smartphone

Julian Chokkattu / Digital Trends

LG officially released its new flagship, the LG G7 ThinQ, and presents some pretty impressive specs, including a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor, options 4GB and 6GB RAM, and a 12 megapixel dual camera set with wide-angle lens.

In addition to the usual features we expect in a smartphone in 2018, the LG G7 ThinQ has another trick up the sleeve: a Boombox speaker that offers blunt sound and real bass. For more information about the G7 and its features, see our practical review. If you are ready to buy one, read on to find the best deals for your next phone.

Buy the LG G7 ThinQ unlocked

lg g7 news thinq hands at closed watch angle
Julian Chokkattu / Digital Trends

If you want to keep your options open, buy the LG G7 ThinQ unlocked may be your best option. You are not linked to any operator and can change at will, although you may have to pay the full price of the phone in advance if LG does not offer a payment plan.

LG has not announced anything about the price, and if there will be an unlocked version of the G7 ThinQ. LG generally sells unlocked versions of their smartphones, and did so with the G6 last year. We may not see a G7 unlocked at launch, last year, the unlocked G6 was released several months after its initial release.

Buy the LG G7 ThinQ from an operator

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Verizon, the largest mobile operator in the United States, will be one of the first The next LG LG G7 ThinQ will be shipped in advance orders from LG's latest flagship will begin on May 24 on the Verizon Wireless website.

Prices for the LG G7 ThinQ have not yet been published, but Verizon will offer a option both to buy the phone and for a payment option device where you can pay for the phone in a period of 24 months. Verizon's exchange program tends to be very generous, which means you can shave a bit more with the price of the LG G7 ThinQ.


T-Mobile will offer the LG G7. While we do not know exactly when T-Mobile will start selling the G7 in stores and on its website, we hope it will be soon: a press release indicates that T-Mobile will begin offering the phone in the spring season. 19659004] T-Mobile also offers monthly payments and a fairly competitive exchange program for current and new customers.

lg g7 thinq hands on precarious 2
Julian Chokkattu / Digital Trends


Looking for the LG G7 ThinQ on the Sprint network? Well, you're in luck: Sprint announced that it will begin advance orders for the LG G7 ThinQ on May 25. If you're willing to wait a few more days, the G7 ThinQ will be available online and at Sprint stores for purchase. on 1st June.

Unlike most operators, Sprint does not fund phones. Instead, Sprint offers an 18-month lease program on their devices so you can easily switch phones every 12 to 16 months. Do not you care about the lease option? Do not worry, because you can also buy any Sprint phone at your retail price.

lg g7 thinq hands on model logo 2
Julian Chokkattu / Digital Trends

U.S. Cellular

U.S. Cellular is offering LG G7 ThinQ in its network. As of June 1, U.S. Cellular will be able to buy the LG 2018 flagship product in stores and online. Like most operators, U.S. Cellular offers a monthly payment plan that will allow you to pay for the G7 over time.

AT & T

Although we expect AT & T to offer the LG G7 ThinQ, we have not received the confirmation yet. We communicate with the provider and update this publication when we know more.

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