Elon Musk says Tesla Model Y will be a ‘manufacturing revolution’

Elon Musk said Tesla's next electric crossover vehicle, the Model Y, will be a "manufacturing revolution," even though the automaker is still struggling to get its Model 3 out of the mass market from the entrance and entry of customers. In a profit call on Wednesday, Musk said Tesla has not yet spent any capital expenditures on the Model Y, but was spending some cash on the first product designs.

But the real impact of the vehicle will be on the manufacturing process, where Musk says he wants to avoid the pain he's experiencing with the production of Model 3. "I think the Model And it's going to be a revolution in manufacturing", He said, adding that Model Y will be "incredible from the point of view of manufacturing."

Previously, Musk said he planned to get rid of the 12-volt battery architecture used in the other Tesla vehicles, which could drastically reduce the length of electrical wiring needed and simplify the production process. Less wiring means more automation in the production process, and Musk has said he plans to introduce more robots into Tesla's production line. He was also told that the Y model will be built with an architecture similar to that of the recently launched model 3, in an effort to bring the car to the market before.

But Musk has already denounced the number of manufacturing robots used to build the Model 3, and today's call highlighted one of those robots, nicknamed "Flufferbot", which is used to place fiberglass mats on top of the vehicle's battery packs. Undoubtedly, Musk said the "vast majority" of Tesla's vehicle manufacturing is automated, but it seems that he wants to apply that automation more strategically to the Model Y.

Despite a recent report that the Model's production And it would start this year, Musk said it would not start until the "early 2020" as soon as possible. One of the biggest problems that Model Y faces is the lack of space. Tesla's Fremon factory is "crazy packed" and "packed with gills," so Model Y should be built elsewhere. Where exactly? Musk could not say.

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