Google is secretly building a social-gaming startup called Arcade

It is reported that Google helps the young technological entrepreneur Michael Sayman to build and launch a new social gaming company. Bloomberg reports that the project, called Arcade, will not be linked to any existing social network; instead, users will create accounts based on their phone number. The games may include some trivia elements. Google confirmed the existence of Arcade in Bloomberg but did not give more details than the fact that the project was "focused on mobile games with friends".

So although this sounds like an extremely nascent venture, it seems that Google is taking clues of live HQ trivia game. These live trivia sessions can reach millions of users and have created social gatherings in the real world where colleagues, friends and family gather for a game. Bloomberg says that Google will not link Arcade to a specific social platform because the game will generate its own place for users to come together, which HQ demonstrates could work well.

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