Netflix’s "remixed" version of Arrested Development season 4 premieres May 4th

Already in 2014, the creator of Arrested Development Mitch Hurwitz, announced that he had decided to cut the fourth season of Netflix's rebirth, abandoning its original structure, with each episode centered on a single character, and replacing it with a version that intersperses all the stories of the characters chronologically. It was not clear at that time if that edition would ever be available to the public, but today, Hurwitz finally announced the release date of the new version of Netflix: May 4. As in, this Friday.

In a statement posted on the official account Arrested Development of Netflix, Hurwitz announced that the new season would be called Arrested Development Season 4 Remix: Fateful Consequences . The original season, which premiered on Netflix in 2013, had 15 episodes in length; the new cut will be 22 shorter episodes. Hurwitz describes the original segmented style as "something like eating toast, then a bacon, maybe a sliced ​​tomato followed by a little turkey," and realizing, "Hey, I think I just took a BLT." The episodes of the remixed season will only be 20 minutes long and will create a more "interwoven" narrative.

Hurwitz also writes that the long-awaited fifth season of the series will have a "soon" release date. At the earliest For example, if you knew when, you would not go wrong thinking "why are we all listening to this now? & # 39; "

Because Arrested Development was a cult favorite when Fox canceled the show in 2006, the fans were understandably divided in the unexpected narrative style of season 4. The remixed version could appease the viewers that they crave a season version that looks more like the show they originally hosted.

"I'm really excited about the end result," writes Hurwitz. "It's funny in a whole new way and I think it creates a really entertaining new experience. hilarious for the & # 39; spectator & # 39; And I only call you that because I do not know how to pronounce your last name. "

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