The best iPhone apps to download in 2018

Applications are the cornerstone of Apple's iOS platform. The ecosystem is what differentiates Apple's mobile platform from its rivals, and the best-quality iPhone applications are the best of its kind.

But, as in any app store, it is sometimes difficult to discover which are really the best applications, those that stand out from the rest and offer a tool or service that is far beyond anything else available.

There is a bigger problem to think about: with over a billion downloads from the App Store it can be a nightmare to try to work out what the title is for you.

Research by analytics firm AppAnnie suggests that the average person uses nine applications per day, including built-in options, and on the iPhone, there is more than one responsibility in creativity.

The problem is solving what is good for you, and what is superfluous. For example, there are many bright weather applications, many with cutting-edge features and beautiful interfaces. Or alarm clocks that can connect to local transport news and wake you up early if the train is late.

But they may not be useful if you look out the window to see how wet you are and always get up long enough to never be late for work.

See our general description of the iPhone X below.

Therefore, we have done a great job for you: review the news and raise the App Store Graphics every week and select the best titles to add to our regularly rotated ranking.

This summary compiles our favorites, from high-quality creative tools and video editors to the best productivity kit and social networking client.

And in addition to our permanent list of the absolute best, every week we add our selections for the latest and greatest new or updated applications, so review them frequently.

Even if you do not have an iPhone at the moment, it is worth reading about what is available if you are considering investing in the iPhone X or even one of the previous models (if you need more information, see our list of the best iPhones), but keep in mind that some of these titles will only work with iPhone 5S and later models.

New this week: Zen Studio

  • Free + $ 2.99 / £ 2.99 / AU $ 4.99 IAP

The developer of Zen Studio describes it as a meditation application for children, but it's really a combination Entertaining and entertaining coloring and musical toy. It is ideal for anyone who needs to relax for a while, regardless of age.

The canvases of the application are triangles that you color with a touch and emit a note every time you do it. Drag a line or touch some triangles in quick succession and you will see a little melody. Everything is very & # 39; zen & # 39;

You get most of the application for free, but you pay the only IAP and it opens up in useful ways: white paint to & # 39; delete & # 39; colored triangles; a range of tutorials based on templates; and unlimited save slots. You may feel "zen" for not spending money, but this is an application that is well worth paying a few dollars.

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