Someone made that Silicon Valley alert that plays death metal whenever bitcoin’s price moves

Mild Spoilers for Silicon Valley Season 5, Episode 3

On a recent episode of HBO Silicon Valley Gilfoyle (Martin Starr) reveals that he mines bitcoin as a secondary concert , but only when the price is above a certain value. He creates an alert that plays the 1.36-second death metal song "You Suffer" from Napalm Death every time bitcoins goes up or down to remotely toggle his platform at home. Given the volatility of bitcoin and the volume of the song, this quickly becomes annoying and becomes a recurring theme throughout the episode.

Now, an Icelandic website design agency called Viska has created a web version of Gilfoyle's death metal alert, which is as surprising as promised. Sindri Guðmundsson of Viska explained that his company sees Silicon Valley as a weekly event while it is broadcasting a season and that the team built the tool "just for fun". The Viska team wrote a simple Javascript plugin that looks for the bitcoin price of, then built the WordPress site, all within three hours. Now the user will have to imitate Gilfoyle completely. It is a real mining platform in the home that can be turned on and off remotely.

"In fact, we are still quite the price of bitcoin and playing beautiful music every time a certain amount passes makes the day better," Guðmundsson said in an email to The Verge . It is impossible to know if you are joking that "You Suffer" is beautiful music. According to, the lyrics are: "You suffer, but why?", Although for the casual listener it sounds more like "NUOOOOOH".

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