Kisner-Brown move into lead at Zurich Classic

American pair Kevin Kisner and Scott Brown took the lead at the Zurich Classic in New Orleans.

News April 29, 2018, 06:32 IST


  KisnerBrown - Cropped
Kevin Kisner and Scott Brown [19659015] Kevin Kisner and Scott Brown will take a one-shot lead in the final round of the New Orleans Zurich Classic after shooting eight under par 64 on Saturday.

The American couple moved to 20 overall after a good day in the four – ball format at TPC Louisiana, where the teams were greeted with walkup music for the first time on the PGA Tour.

Kisner and Brown bored 10 birdies and two bogeys during the third round on the edge of a one-shot lead.

Tony Finau and Daniel Summerhays fired a nine under par 63 to tie for second place with second-round leaders Michael Kim and Andrew Putnam (66).

But with the tournament ending with the foursomes format, it remains open in the final round.

Brice Garnett and Chesson Hadley are in fourth place with 18 under par after shooting 11 under par 61 on Saturday.

That was the round of the day and he was in charge of three teams, including Billy Horschel and Scott Piercy, as well as Jason Dufner and Pat Perez.

Those duos are one shot further back in the 17th and still in the fight.

Justin Rose and Henrik Stenson are still in the search, but a 65 left them at 15 below and tied for the 14th.

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