Gaming has shed its geeky image to become a ‘cool’ hobby

A new gaming poll conducted by Dell (the company that makes Alienware machines) discovered that hobby is no longer the domain of geeks, and is now considered a "cool" activity, and that useful real life skills can be developed.

The days in which the player was considered to be a lonely adolescent locked in his bedroom, and the same "player" label was closely related to the concept of geekery, have passed.

The global survey (which included nearly 6,000 video game players in 11 countries) showed that players are now their co-workers, brothers or friends, and that less than 10% of respondents felt embarrassed, judged or guilty of some child crime to be called & # 39; gamer & # 39;

In fact, the player is now considered a positive term, with 35% of the respondents equating it with "fun", 29% considering that it's "great" and # 39; in terms of hobby and 26% labeling it & # 39; Exciting & # 39;

The popularity of esports and social networks is to help spread the word about how fun games can be, and players are now less shy about sharing their passion with others, and a quarter of respondents They have introduced five or more people to the hobby.

Development of diversity

Diversity is also becoming a stronger game for players, with research pointing to a sharp increase in the number of female players in recent times: 47% of the respondents had a friend who played.

And 86% of the respondents said that the gender of those with whom they were confronted in the online game had no consequence (you can expect this to be higher, of course, but let's be honest, there is always an element toxic when it comes to online games).

When it came to online pairings, the main concern was the opponent's skill level, with 40% of the respondents saying that this was important. The ethnicity, political views and sexual orientation of the opponents were inconsequential for most people, as expected, being only a concern for 8%, 7% and 6% respectively (the toxic minority attacks again ).

Another interesting point is that this game is not only considered fun, but also a way to sharpen the skills, with 37% believing that their hand-eye coordination improved, and 36% thinking that they improved their reaction times.

Games are not just reactions and nervous contractions, however, and they can also sharpen the mind. In fact, the highest percentage, 39%, said they became more strategic thinkers, and 27% said they improved their teamwork skills.

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