Apple’s AirPort routers have been kicked to the curb

Apple has announced that it is getting out of the router business. The Cupertino firm will sell its remaining inventory of AirPort routers through Apple stores and authorized retailers, but it will not be replenished. That said, no price drop has been announced.

The company will continue to support existing routers, including AirPort Express AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule – over the next five years, providing software and firmware updates.

Since the support will not be indefinite, Apple will publish online shopping guides to help AirPort owners find a replacement for their old base stations. [19659004] May be terminal

Although the loss of AirPort routers could be disappointing for fans, this news is no surprise.

Apple last updated the Extreme and Time Capsule base stations in 2013, while the Express did not since November 2012. In fact, in November 2016 Bloomberg reported that the company had dissolved its equipment of router development.

And with 802.11ac Wi-Fi routers becoming ubiquitous, it's no wonder that the old Apple routers are now red undant.

However, it has not yet been decided whether Apple's exit from the router market is permanent or not. A spokesperson told Engadget that "the company could revisit the Wi-Fi routers if it can make a significant contribution to space."

[ Via 9to5Mac] [19659011]

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