Facebook made an ad about how bad Facebook has become

Facebook has been increasingly considering the many problems that its network has, and today, the company launched an ad recognizing the problems and promising to return to "what made Facebook good in the first place".

The minute-long spot starts with a look at Facebook's oldest interface and tries to humanize what we do on the net by connecting the posts to real people, all with sad piano music playing overhead.

When it comes to addressing the problems of Facebook, the company is not as frank as it could be. He says that "something happened", as if it were an unexplained phenomenon, and not the result of Facebook's own algorithms, and that the company "had to deal with spam, scams, false news and use undue data ".

It concludes by saying: "That will change, from now on, Facebook will do more to keep you safe and protect your privacy." The company says it will return to put the focus on your friends, presumably instead of political propaganda or even real news.

Facebook has been trying to be, or at least appear to be, more open about what's happening on your network over the past year, and particularly in the last month or so. He started a series of blog posts last year called "Hard Questions," where he presents some of his ideas on how his rules apply. And since the Cambridge Analytica scandal, he has been posting updates on the changes he's making in response.

More than anything, this ad shows how much Facebook has begun to recognize that it not only has problems that appear here and there. , has a real image problem: its own users do not trust it and feel that it has moved away from the original purpose of the service. This announcement does not change anything, but at least it says some of the right things.

This is not the only announcement that Facebook is planning. He is starting to post ads in cities saying things like "fake news is not your friend" and "spam is not your friend". It is assumed that the place above is broadcast on television.

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