New iOS 11 update fixes unresponsive iPhone 8 screen issue

Apple released the newest version of its mobile operating system, iOS 11.3.1. Although not exactly iOS 11.4, the update is now available to users through the configuration application, and comes with a solution to one of the most notable problems presented by iOS 11.3 in mid-April, reports MacRumors.

The screens that were replaced with unofficial parts and that did not respond in iOS 11.3 should work correctly with this update.

Earlier this month, iOS 11.3 seemed to introduce an error that made some iPhone 8 screens do not respond to touch if not official parts of Apple. This was despite the fact that the screen worked correctly before the software update. Some were worried that Apple was intentionally deactivating unofficial repair parts, as users with secondary start buttons for the iPhone 6 had similar problems. However, the update corrects the problem, seeming to show that Apple is not trying to block third-party components.

Beyond this solution, iOS 11.3.1 is a minor update, without new interesting features for those who are not affected by the problem of the screen. It seems to be mainly focused on security, addressing multiple memory corruption problems and protecting telephones from a text message that could falsify the user interface.

There are still many problems with iOS 11 that this latest update will not solve, but we hope that many of the most pressing problems will be solved by iOS 12. The revelation of iOS 12 will probably occur during Apple's WWDC 2018 event. begining of June.

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