Philips wants to help you doze off more effectively

You already know the exercise: you go through a ridiculously long and exhausting day, just counting the hours until you can go home and snuggle in your bed. Finally you surrender to spend the night and wait for the peaceful calm of the glorious night's rest, but it never arrives. In fact, when you wake up in the morning you feel even more tired than when you went to bed, and the vicious circle repeats itself.

According to Philips, this is how most adults sleep. About 40% of adults ages 25 to 54 have less than 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. In the USA UU., About 30% of adults suffer insomnia, while in Europe the figure ranges from 15-27%.

It is often not easy to rest well for several reasons, so Philips wants to focus on people who get a better quality sleep instead of sleeping for longer periods. While you may think that sleeping more hours will make you feel cooler, that is not always the case.

What makes the Philips SmartSleep headset so special: instead of trying to sleep for longer periods, the headband works with existing sleep patterns to improve the quality of rest periods.

Sounds simple enough at first: sensors in the headband detect when deep sleep has entered, or "slow wave sleep." Once in this mode, the headset activates silent audio tones through built-in speakers to boost these slow waves and improve the quality of your sleep. The headband monitors how you have been sleeping and adjusts your routine accordingly, and the soft foam material ensures that you do not feel uncomfortable to use while sleeping. A complementary application synchronizes with the headband once it wakes up to show you the quality of your sleep.

The system is designed for adults who normally sleep less than 7 hours per night, but it will not help to really fall asleep or help with existing sleep conditions. It is currently in a selective test phase in the USA. UU And Germany, with a selective launch that will take place on September 1, followed by a wider global deployment. Interested users can answer a short questionnaire on the Philips website to verify if they are eligible, and if they are selected they can buy SmartSleep for $ 399 to participate in the comment program.

His personal sunrise

Philips also realizes that strong morning alarms may not be the best way to wake up, and he came up with the Somneo. We have seen devices like these before, that pretend to simulate the sun rises, so you get up much more gently in the morning.

The Philips Somneo offers a number of features to help relaxation and a better night's sleep. Light-guided breathing techniques help you relax by breathing exercises before you fall asleep, while a sunset mode also helps the body relax before disconnecting.

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You can easily customize the brightness levels, what kind of music or sound you want to awaken, such as nature, background music or your favorite radio station. The Somneo also acts as a perfect night light if it needs to get up in the middle of the night, illuminating it enough so that it can see where it is going instead of blinding it.

The Philips Somneo is now available from Philips for $ 199.99

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