Need coffee now? These are the best Keurig machines

Keurig machines simplify the coffee preparation process. Choosing a model, however, can be complicated. What exactly is a K-Cup? What is the difference between Keurig Classic and Keurig Plus? Are all coffee containers interchangeable, or is it a reserved feature for selected models?

The main attraction of a Keurig machine is that it produces an almost perfect, or at least consistent, cup of coffee at the touch of a button. Since all current Keurig models are based on the same brewing system, and since they all use pre-measured K-Cup, you will get a similar cup of joe with each model. But this does not mean that all Keurig machines are created equal. Some can not make more than 10 ounces of coffee at a time, for example. Here is how to choose one.

The unadorned option – Keurig K15 ($ 65 +)

The K15 is the most basic (and cheapest) model Keurig offers. Like the other machines of the "Classic" line, the K15 is only compatible with single-use K-Cup capsules. Although this is fine for preparing a cup of coffee in the morning, the K15 is not ideal for families with multiple coffee drinkers. It also does not have a water tank, although it benefits from the simplicity of a touch and compatibility with the 6, 8 and 10 ounce capsules. The machine's focus on individual portions may limit its capacity and capabilities, but it can upgrade to a more capable model for just a little more money.

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The slightly more luxurious option – Keurig K55 ($ 90 +)

Keurig K55 Thumb 2

The K55 is faster and more versatile than the K15 . While this Classic model is still limited to single serve pods, you can make a cup of 6, 8 or 10 ounce coffee in less than a minute, which is twice as fast as the K15 mentioned above. It is not designed to serve several people in the morning, but it can certainly handle caffeine fever from time to time. The K55 also has a deposit of 48 ounces, which means you will not have to fiddle with the water level every morning. If you drink an 8-ounce cup of coffee in the morning before work, you only have to fill the deposit once a week.

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The versatility option – Keurig 250 ($ 131)


The Keurig Classic line is perfect for people who want a simple machine that can help them Give a simple cup of coffee. But if you look for more options (or to serve more people), you should consult the Keurig Plus series. The main difference between these two product lines is that the machines of the Keurig Plus series are capable of preparing everything from 4-ounce cups to 30-ounce cans, while the Classic line is limited to 6, 8 and 10 cups ounces . Most models of the Plus series, specifically the Keurig 250, also allow you to adjust the power of your coffee. The K250 even has a 40-oz. Tank and configurations for special beverages, such as hot chocolate, chai and mochas.

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The top option of the line – Keurig K575 ($ 180)


The Keurig 575 is the "Ultimate Keurig Brewer". With hot water on demand and an 80-oz. Deposit, the K575 can effortlessly animate a group of sleep-deprived adults in a matter of minutes. The machine also comes with a large touch screen that facilitates customization of the resistance, temperature and size of the beverage. The machine even has a high altitude configuration, a power saving mode and an automatic on / off function that can be set for a specific time. The K575 takes more counter space than other models, but if you can save space (and cash), this gives you the greatest versatility and features.

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The Cappuccino option – Rivo ($ 200)


Keurig is known for simplifying the coffee preparation process, of course, but the company also He knows how to make a good espresso. The Rivo Cappuccino and Latte system is as simple as using the Keurig coffee machines. Simply insert the capsule, fill the reservoir and press the corresponding button. The Rivo even has an automatic vaporizer with three settings (Cappuccino, Latte or Cold Froth), which means you can adapt your 1.4 or 2.8 ounce espresso cup exactly to your liking. Fifteen pressure bars mean you'll be sipping your drink in less than a minute.

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