Star Wars holochess comes to the iPhone with ARKit

Disney is allowing people to play Star Wars & # 39; Dejaik free holochess on iOS in augmented reality via ARKit, via 9to5Mac. The new game actually comes as an update to the game AR Star Wars: Jedi Challenges last year, which originally included holochess but required the purchase of hardware accessories.

The variant ARKit holochess seems to be the same version of the original Jedi Challenges, simply transferred so that users do not need to buy the headset or the lightsaber accessory, even the instructions in the game tell you to "direct your gaze" to interact with the board. I took it for a few minutes, and it works fine, although the cover nature of the game is obvious. It has small, hard-to-read text and cumbersome controls that clearly meant more for the original AR headphones than the AR solution for the iPhone.

Still, it's a fun fun for a few minutes, especially for Star Wars fans who have been dying to play a round or two of the iconic board game. A tip: "May the Wookie win."

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