Available May 25 on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Summer 2018 on Nintendo Switch
News from Dark Souls Remastered
Bandai Namco has confirmed that the release of Nintendo Switch from Dark Souls Remastered has been delayed until the summer of 2018. The Solaire of Astora amiibo has moved in the same time frame.
No specific reason was given for the delay, although the official Twitter account FromSoftware cites "unforeseen circumstances", but did not mention any details. If this gives more time to the launch of the Nintendo Switch, we are more than willing to wait a few more weeks.
5 月 24 日 (木) に に 「「 「「 「「 「「 「「 「「 「「 「「 「「 「「 「「 「「 「SOULS REMASTERED」 の 発 売 日 を, 諸般 の 事情 にり り 2018 年 夏 に 変 更 さ せ て い た だ き ま す .Nintendo switch 版 を お 待 ち い た だ い て い る ユ ー ザ ー の 皆 さ ま に お か れ ま し て は, 大変 ご 迷惑 を お か け け い た し ま す こ と を を 深 深 詫 詫 び 申 し 上 上 げ ま す.
– FROMSOFTWARE (@fromsoftware_pr) April 17, 2018
Read on to get a practical preview of Dark Souls Remastered:
Dark Souls is comfortably one of the best and more influential games that have been made. Part of an iconic series that spawned a complete genre, this game deserves its place among the pantheon of the greats of all time. Seven years after its initial release, we are now getting a & # 39; Remaster & # 39; for all current generation platforms, introducing a new generation of players to test their skills, patience and controllers once again. Playing the game on PS4 is still as bright and challenging as ever. However, being exactly as his original material, I can not help thinking that, at least in some respects, he is in the shadow of his own successors.
As with Burnout Paradise, we are stepping on the muddy waters of what it means to be a remaster. For Dark Souls, we have a blip at 60 frames per second (not on the Nintendo Switch, where it's 30fps across the board), a resolution of 720p at 1080p on PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch mode (still 720p in mode) portable), up to 4K on PS4 Pro, Xbox One X and PC and some visual improvements. The number of players online has increased from four to six and you will also get all the Artorias of the Abyss DLC.
But how does it play? Well, exactly as you remember it. This is the same phenomenal, challenging, test your brain and your heart in every step of the white knuckles experience of 2011, and this is both exciting and a little embarrassing.
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Dark Souls has one of the most satisfying and rewarding combat experiences ever created. There is no better feeling than overcoming one of his many challenging and wonderfully designed bosses. Even overcoming a large amount of standard swamp fodder can lead to great euphoria.
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All those emotions come back to flow as soon as you start the game. Confront your first hollow soldiers before facing the Asylum Demon and you'll be back in the middle of all this. In addition, the increase to sixty frames per second makes the experience much more fluid, but with that comes a small warning: Dark Souls had two sequels, and both ran at 60 fps through the door, making this bulge have much less impact of the expected, and that speaks of other areas of the game.
While Dark Souls 2 and 3 did not have the innovative impact of the first game, they made subtle adjustments to the formula they constantly perfected and improved on the foundations for a more rewarding minute-by-minute combat experience. While the level or boss design may not have coincided with the predecessor, it is difficult to argue that those last entries offered better combat, UI and general usability.
For example, going back to Dark Souls will mean backstabs is frustratingly difficult Trying to nail them once again in the old format seems almost impossible at times, thanks to the almost perfect accuracy requirement.
The blocking segmentation is also more complicated when there are several enemies in the same area. It's maddening when you come across a room with a strategy to attack a villain, just so that the hook breaks with another person, snapping the camera on all sides, your attacks ringing, and panic turns into a massive mass of the proverbial collides with the fan.
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The pothole at 60 frames does not feel so drastic because 2 and 3 They offered this, with 2 getting a remaster (Scholar of the first sin) before this, and it's hard to remember all the way back to 2011 to notice the difference.
I'm not asking for this Remaster to incorporate big changes in the metagame. I do not need adjustments to Estus Flasks or even infinite torches, and of course, there will be many who argue that they want Dark Souls to play exactly as they did in 2011, and to hell with what the last entries did. But personally, I would prefer these refinements under the bonnet added retroactively.
My other complaint comes in the form of the images, at least in PS4 Pro. While they look much sharper than the original versions of PS3 / Xbox 360, the textures can be inconsistent and sometimes They look very murky. There is an inconsistency that means that some areas will look absolutely beautiful, but other times they will be ruined by gaudy textures that look blurry, or like when a game is still loading all the textures and details despite being started. The 4K resolution only brings this problem even more to light.
The ace in the hole is, of course, the Nintendo switch. While the console may lack the visual enhancements and the framerate gain that other platforms receive, it is difficult to reject the attractiveness of portability of having Dark Souls wherever you go. The risk, of course, is to avoid screaming all the inadmissible rudeness while on a busy train, but it is a risk worth taking. I have been a little impressed by the textures on PS4, and I feel that the massively improved resolution only serves to further emphasize its darkness, so this makes the Switch an even more tempting perspective. It can mean a reduction to 30 fps, but considering that this is what we had long ago, I will happily take that experience.
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Ironically, the PS4 version of the game has managed to sell me even more in the Switch version. 100% I'll get this game at the launch, it's still an icon, I just do not think the PS4 version does not offer a Remaster important enough to overcome the convenience of the Nintendo console, even with its sacrifices.
First Impressions
Dark Souls is still a phenomenal game, with warts and all. This is a true remastering of the game that surprised everyone seven years ago, but it will also mean that improvements to the formula that evolved in its two sequels will be absent.
While there are some visual improvements, they do not go far enough and this is disappointing. 60 fps is great, but again, as we have had in later entries, the difference is not so shocking.
While there may be a small disappointment in the PS4 category, the big breakthrough is that this makes the Nintendo Switch version very exciting.