A Theranos employee made a crude Space Invaders clone featuring the journalist that led to its downfall

The blood analysis startup Theranos is circling the drain, and more and more details are leaked from inside the turbulent last days of the company. A particularly striking anecdote, courtesy of the Wall Street Journal reporter John Carreyrou revealed how an employee of Theranos made a clone Space Invaders with a picture of Carreyrou himself as the alien threat owner, selected from your Twitter profile.

Carreyrou has been a two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist, whose series of damning reports about Theranos' leadership and its non-operational technology led directly to the company's downfall. Carreyrou's book on the saga, entitled Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup will go on sale on May 21. She is also in the process of adapting to a Hollywood movie starring Jennifer Lawrence.

Last month, as a result of the filing of reports by Carreyrou and others over the course of more than two years, the SEC accused CEO Holmes of defrauding investors. Earlier this week, the company fired most of its remaining employees.

Unfortunately, the anecdote from Space Invaders did not enter Carreyrou's book:

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