Let’s break down the new trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story

The last breakthrough of Solo: A Star Wars story has hit the Web, and it's our best view of the movie so far. As with any new movie trailer from Star Wars there is a lot to see and unpack for fans of the franchise, just as we did with the first preview, let's analyze what we saw.

Warning: there are spoilers and a lot of speculation for Only ahead.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

The first shots are of an industrial-looking city lit up at night, and one of the first things we see is a Star Destroyer under construction. We've seen shots like this in the last trailer: a younger Han (Alden Ehrenreich) and Qi & Ra (Emilia Clarke) riding the streets at an early age, which makes me think that this is Corellia, the planet of Han's origin. Ron Howard tweeted an image that provoked the world, and this photo looks the same.

We have heard about the planet previously in a couple of new canonical novels, it was a location in the old extended universal novels, and Han mentioned it in A New Hope .


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Here is another vision of a band of marauders that we saw in the first trailer of a desert planet. There is definitely a Wild West environment in this as Han prepares for a confrontation against them. EW noted that they are a bit of a rival to Tobias' crew, and that they will be part of the train's theft, but we have not seen it in a trailer yet.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

We do not know too much about these guys, but ComicBook recently discovered a promotional material that says that this masked figure is called Enfys Nest, and she built a reputation for it and his pirates, who are called the Riders of the cloud.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Until now, the voiceover has belonged to Qi & # 39; ra, who suggests that Han is looking for something: revenge, money or something else. He plays a familiar tone with Han, and it seems they are catching up after being apart for a long time. During her revelation, Entertainment Weekly noted that she and Han grew up together.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

We also received a new photo of Lando Calrissian from Donald Glover at a Mos Eisley store. There is a lot to do here, especially in the form of new aliens and people. The next shot shows Han joining the game with a bunch of credit chips, and it looks like this may be the first time they are.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Speaking of the first meetings, the next shot presents Han and Chewbacca looking at the Falcon. We saw a variation of this shot in the preview, but Chewbacca was not there, which means Chewie was probably added in a recent re-release.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

"You look good", says Qi. "Ra to Han." A bit difficult on the edges. " This location seems to be a bit more exclusive than the places that Han has been hanging out. If that is the case, the two have taken very different paths in life since they apparently separated when they were children.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Now we see Tobias Beckett by Woody Harrelson. This looks like the same planet where we saw the Cloud Riders earlier in the trailer (and in the previous preview), and tells Han that he has heard about a job run by a "big gangster".

He's looking for how Tobias could be a kind of mentor or father figure to Han.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Cut to "big mobster" whose name is Dryden Vos, played by Paul Bettany. He replaced Michael K. Williams midway through filming due to programming problems. Bettany described the character as a "very good intergalactic gangster", and EW described him as a "figure who has found great success breaking the rules, but is not the type who messes with his hands" . "Since the next shot, he has quite a scarred face, which makes me wonder how accurate that description is."


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Another shot, presumably on Corellia, and presumably with Han and Qi & # 39; Ra in his youth, Tobias says they are putting together a team. EW says they are fleeing from the Empire, which makes some sense, since we see them being chased in the previous trailer by a soldier in a slider.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Han is telling a man that he is a "driver, and I am a flyer."

Han's outfit stands out a bit: it looks almost identical to what the soldiers on the coast of Rogue One wore (the same buckles on their shoulders and a very similar looking chest) We have seen some leaks of toys that reveal that Han and Tobias are disguised, and come with a "Mimban stormtrooper." [19659030] Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

A snapshot of Han says it's a flyer. It seems to be part of that stretch of train robbery, and we see Han at work piloting the ship away from an explosion.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

"I've waited a long time for a blow like this," Han says to someone. It seems they are on that snowy planet again.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

This is Val, played by Westworld & # 39; s Thandie Newton. EW described her as mysterious, saying that she is a long-term partner of Tobias. Apparently, he does not like it very much at first.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

We have another shot at the same scene, in which Tobias shoots Han a gun. It's great to see that this weapon is the classic DL-44 that we see Han use later in the whole franchise, so it feels like a pretty remarkable moment.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

"What do you think?"


"Well, what do you know?"

This seems like a funny moment, and judging by other moments in the trailer, the film certainly seems to have a lighter and more fun tone than something like Rogue One .


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Back to the snow planet. That's a big skull


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Tobias not only recruits Han (and presumably Qi & # 39; Ra). They need a ship, and Qi Ra meets a man. "He's the best smuggler there is." This is Lando, and as we know, he was the first owner of the Millennium Falcon.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

"Everything you've heard about me is true," Lando tells Han, who is completely perfect. Additional bonus for the floating beverage dispenser.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

We have a new character: Lando's partner, L3-37, a droid played by Phoebe Waller-Bridge (from Broadchurch and Goodby Christopher Robin ). EW noted that he played the character by capturing movement (as Alan Tudyk did with K-2SO in Rogue One ) and that she "has a more idiosyncratic personality than his typical droid " In another publication, EW says that the droid has been modified, while screenwriter Jon Kasdan says that "she is a complete person in the galaxy".


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Next, it seems that we are going back to Han to meet the Falcon for the first time. We have a nice aerial view of the newest ship. The scene reminds me a bit of Luke seeing the Hawk for the first time in years in The Last Jedi and the novelization of that movie seems to hint at a certain connection between the two films.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

"If you come with us, you are in this life forever," Tobias tells Han. This seems to be an early encounter between the two, and aligns with another scene of the first advance. , in which Han translated Chewie for Tobias.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

There is a clean shot of the motors that are flying.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

"Maybe you want to … buckle up, baby." Glover is turning the amulet of Lando into 11.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Return to the snow planet: here is that train running through the mountains. This seems to be the target of a large robbery, and is protected by imperial soldiers. I'm getting a bit of Firefly environment here. (Either that or Snowpiercer .)


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

These soldiers are called field soldiers and it seems they are well equipped for the snowy weather. They also apparently have magnetic boots to keep them firmly attached to the top or sides of the train if necessary.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Tobias exchanges some shots with the soldiers at the top of the train.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Here is a good view of the soldiers of the Cordillera. His armor is a strange mixture of several imperial armor: the helmet is very similar to that of the ground soldiers of Rogue One while the chest is much like that of a snowman of Empire Strikes Back [19659052]. That makes sense since they are working on a cold planet.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Tobias returns with a voiceover here: "Let me give you some advice: expect everyone to betray you, and you will never be disappointed".

This does not feel particularly good for Han, and I wonder if this means that someone in the crew is ready to attack them. But in the long term? We see what happens to Han along the way: Lando turns him and his friends into the Empire in The Empire Strikes Back and will be killed by his own son in The Force Awakens .


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Just a good picture of the Falcon flying through the clouds.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

A quick shot of an AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport) that falls on a battlefield. The soldier in the foreground looks like one of the filtered images of a mudtrooper in Mimban. EW showed an image and describes the world as a foggy, marshy planet. We have seen this world before: it appeared in 1978 Splinter of the Mind & # 39; s Eye and there was a brief reference to the role of the planet in the Clone Wars during The Clone Wars series of drawings animated It is another example of a new history of The Star Wars that cannibalizes the previous, non-canonical expanded universe.


Two Wookiees! Talking about cannibalizing old parts of The wisdom of Star Wars will be a funny wink if it's about Lumpawaroo, the son of Chewbacca, who was first seen in The Star Wars Holiday Special .


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Here, Han is at the controls of the Falcon, which we saw in the first trailer, followed by a lot of shots from them being chased by TIE Fighters. "I have a very good feeling about this"


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Chewie gets fed up and starts to turn the controls on, which brings him to another fun moment:

"Since when do you know how? to fly? "


" 190 years? You look great! "

This really helps to locate the movie in the biggest chronology Star Wars : Chewie had apparently 180 years during the Battle of Kashyyyk in Revenge of the Sith which in itself was 19 years before A New Hope / Rogue One . So, we're about nine years from the first time we met Han and Chewie in the 1977 movie.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

We're back in that desert location. We have the Hawk here, which means they have linked with Lando. Maybe this is the place?


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Light saber knuckles? We see Dryden Vos de Bettany cut some shit in her lair.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

This looks a bit like we're back in Mimban, with a group of mud soldiers, where we first saw the AT-ST and the pitched battle. Chewie throws a soldier.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

More pitched battles, although it is not clear if we are still in Mimban or elsewhere.


Image: Disney / Lucasfilm

Finally, we return to the scene of this great train, where Han saves Chewie from the head hit by a rock along the rails.

The biggest product of this breakthrough is twofold: one, that the film will really have a swashbuckling vibe, Wild West style. There are robberies, high-flying action and a fun cast of characters. The other is that the film seems to be a little more optimistic than Rogue One. These independent films offer the possibility of a lot of different themes and genres in the larger playground that is Star Wars and it will be interesting to see how this differs from the other deliveries.

In general, it seems like it will be a fun trip: there are many familiar sequences such as space battles, shootings against the Empire and the criminal underworld of the galaxy. But the story also seems to be quite divergent from the typical good guys fighting Republic / Empire / First Order that we've seen in almost every other Star Wars movie . What remains to be seen is whether this dynamic works or not. We do not have to wait long to see the rest.

Solo: A Star Wars Story opens in theaters on May 25.

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