Mac DeMarco made a music video for the cat who lives behind his garage

Mac DeMarco's most recent album is called This Old Dog but his most recent video is starring a cat. A cat named Pickles, probably. As Mac points out in the description of the song, "Pickles lives behind the garage."

We're not given much more biographical information about the Pickles cat beyond, but maybe Pickles is not the kind of cat that makes these things obvious. It's just a cat that wants to hear a groovy keyboard funk created by the guy who lives in the house next to his garage.

In the video, Pickles sits on a shelf eating what is probably cat food, but could also go through raw ground beef. Then he licks his lips and walks away. It's hard to say, as an outside observer, what Pickles really thinks about DeMarco's song for him, but anyway it's a very nice gesture from our Mac boy.

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