Indiana Joan Jones is the female lady heroine that women need

The next time Indiana Jones appears in the film could mark a major change for the franchise. In an interview with The Sun filmmaker Steven Spielberg told the publication that it might be time for the naughty professor of Nazi archeology to take "a different form". Graciously, Spielberg means a woman, not a snakeperson. According to Spielberg, however, this would mean changing more than the character's gender. "We would have to change Jones' name to Joan, and there would be nothing wrong with that."

Spielberg's claim that there is nothing wrong with this name change is not 100% correct, because that's not really how last names work. Indiana Jones becomes Indiana Joan, where the restart takes place in a dystopian world (or Russia) where the surname denotes gender? Is "Indiana, Joan", something like when James Bond says "Bond, James Bond"? Is her name actually Joan Jones now, a tribute to her own childhood dog, also called Joan?

In addition to giving Dr. Indiana Joan Jones, The Woman, a new name to match his gender, Spielberg did not share any other details about what a new potential addition to his international archeological theft franchise would entail for the woman , Lady Tomb Raider. At a minimum, Harrison Ford, 75, is not expected to return as the whip adventurer. "This will be Harrison Ford's last Indiana Jones movie, I'm pretty sure, but it will definitely continue after that," says Spielberg.

Look, Indiana Jones would be a perfect name for a woman. Spielberg could take a page from Marvel's book, like when he crowned a woman like the new Thor and called her "Thor", because he was still Thor, but what counts is the thought, right? Let's make sure Spielberg receives his brownie points for hanging a hypothetical lady in front of us. Indiana Joan Jones: Finally, a hero for women!

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